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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Geneseo chapter.

So, hi.

This is officially my final article for Her Campus.

Apart from the dorm building I’ve lived in since freshman year, Her Campus has been the single most consistent thing in my college life these last four years. That’s putting things into perspective for me; some of my closest friends here I only met two years ago or even this year, the other club I’m part of is one I joined my sophomore year, I even have a significantly different career path than I did the fall semester of my freshman year. But through it all, there was Her Campus.

It’s kind of funny that I started drafting this back in March, yet here I am in May struggling for the words to describe my experience with Her Campus. Kind of ironic for one of the Campus Coordinators, right?

I was here through it all: the website layout change, the allowed topics change, the new editorial standards checklist, and now the team restructuring. Like everything, Her Campus has kind of changed with my life throughout these last four years, growing with each new member. The consistency slightly differed, especially when our chapter had to take a hiatus in spring 2023, but I’m glad to have had somewhere to write my silly little articles about my interests. Where else would I have posted all of my thoughts about Taylor Swift’s newest albums, or why everyone should watch Ghosts? All of the articles I’ve written have been personal to me. I’m going to miss having that place to put all of those thoughts, even if nobody actually read them.

As I move on from college and Her Campus, I’m going to think back about the 70+ articles I’ve written over these last four years. I’m sure I’ve grown as a writer since 2020—how could I not? Four years is a long time—and I still have a long time left to grow even more. Even though I’m primarily looking into becoming a teacher, I’m also looking forward to the potential of writing YA fiction, an everlasting goal of mine.

I guess this is more of a thank-you than anything else. I really don’t know how to write these thoughts down from my mind onto the page, a common difficulty of mine. Even though I’ve improved in my nonfiction writing through this and workshops, I still find it hard to write down my thoughts accurately.

Even though I’ve written far longer articles on things very few people other than me care about, I don’t think I have any way to make this article any longer than it is now. So, thank you, Her Campus, for being there, and allowing me this creative outlet. I’m truly going to miss it. <3

Nina Fichera is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Geneseo. She oversees meetings and writes about a variety of topics, such as music (especially K-Pop and Taylor Swift), her experiences as a hopeless romantic, what it's like for her as a writer, and other entertainment-based articles. Outside of Her Campus, Nina is currently a senior with a double major in English (with a Creative Writing concentration) and Adolescent Education (with an English concentration) as well as a minor in Human Development. She was the head fiction editor for the SUNY magazine Gandy Dancer in Spring 2023. In her free time, Nina adores writing to her heart's content, usually in the realm of fiction and fanfiction. She also loves cross-stitch, spending time with her friends, learning K-Pop dances, and reading.