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The Lalagirl Smiling Holding Journal
The Lalagirl Smiling Holding Journal
Her Campus Media

My “New Year’s Resolutions” Part 2: Writing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Geneseo chapter.


Welcome to my second promise. If you haven’t read the first article or my Goodreads challenge, you can check them out through the hyperlinks! Moving forward with the series, my second promise to myself will be writing.


Writing. That’s so vague, isn’t it? I think I just mean writing each day. If you’ve been following our chapter, you’ll know I challenged myself to write for 30 days straight last year. That went extremely well, but I’ve fallen behind a bit again. I make the same excuse: time.


I write a decent amount, but I want to change that word “decent” to every day. Or at least, try to write every day. Let’s face it, I might be able to read before bed instead of playing on my phone, but sometimes a writer doesn’t have the inspiration to write.


Once again, I’m not going to place a limit on what I’m writing. Maybe I’ll even count editing, but I mean I’m not counting line edits or grammar edits. It will only count if it’s more of an overhaul of fixing the piece, which means I’m changing at least some major part of the plot, character, point of view, etc.


The only rule I have is that I have to write for at least 30 minutes. You can’t get your creative juices flowing if you’re only writing for 10 minutes. You need to be more focused than that. With my trusty writing playlist, I’ll make sure I try to do it.


Fictional stories for my class can count, but I don’t want to limit it to that. I’ll count Her Campus articles like these. I’ll try to write some more nonfiction again, or at least maybe fix the few I’ve told myself I’d fix. I’ll even look back at my novel again since I’m planning on doing a complete change for that. Or write a new one. Writing a novel from scratch might seem like a lot, but part of my writing challenge can also be NaNoWriMo. This is another challenge during November, which is National Novel Writing Month, to write as much as you can for a novel. You can set your goal to be a word limit and try your best to meet it.


They also have Camp NaNoWriMo during April and July which is slightly different. You can write anything from stories to scripts to poems. You just have to set any goal. I’m not sure if I’ll participate in either of these challenges, but we’ll see what the year brings.


Why do I want to write more often? I want to publish some of my writing. I’ll submit to literary magazines (I already have a few in mind). I’ll try to finish first drafts novels to send out when I’m older even though I know those won’t be ready for a while.


If you’re interested in writing or want to peek at my writing playlist, let me know and connect with me on my social media accounts linked below.


Happy writing!

Rebecca was the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Geneseo. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English (Creative Writing) and Communication. Rebecca was also the Copy Editor for the student newspaper The Lamron, Co-Managing Editor of Gandy Dancer, a Career Peer Mentor in the Department of Career Development, a Reader for The Masters Review, and a member of OGX dance club on campus. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @Becca_Willie04!
Kayla Glennon

Geneseo '21

Kayla is a junior English major who is optimistic but enjoys exploring lots of emotions, not just ignoring the "bad" ones. They love writing silly things but also being serious, because there are a lot of things that matter and need to be talked about, but giving yourself a break is important too. They love writing about literature but also coming up with ideas for stories of their own. Kayla is constantly just trying to be themself and trying to be around people that make them happy.