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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Geneseo chapter.

This is a judgment-free zone, kinda.

Venus Martinez: 

My favorite Disney movie is either Bolt or High School Musical 2. Two very different movies, I know, but they’re special to me in two separate ways. Bolt is my everything and I love that silly little dog who thinks he’s a superhero and chases across the country to find Miley Cyrus. And yes, I will always cry during that one scene, sue me. And High School Musical 2 is just camp, I love it, I don’t need a reason (“I Don’t Dance”.)

Chloe Epps:

My favorite Disney movie is probably Wreck-It-Ralph. Its story is written with a lot of obvious love for gaming and arcade culture, which really appealed to people at the time and the messages within it have aged very well over the years. Wreck-It-Ralph also predates a disliked era of Disney animation, which is the cheap twist villain trope; most people who have seen the movie can agree that the twist villain within it was properly built up and foreshadowed, unlike the characters of Frozen, Big Hero 6 and Zootopia – movies that made plot twist villains an expectation rather than a subversion. The characters are engaging and you really start to root for the main protagonist despite his flaws and his stated existence as the villain in his game. Unfortunately, the sequel completely ruins a lot of positive elements of the original series, and because of this I, as well as the general online fandom, do not consider it canon, and instead a very dubious fanfiction. <3

McKenna Kelly: 

My favorite Disney princess is Cinderella because she is just like me for real. I too need to leave parties early to go home because otherwise I will start looking like a not so hot mess. Growing up as a blue-eyed blonde girl, I was like damn she looks like me, so I decided she was my favorite. She also lets herself get walked all over another, a tendency of mine and like rodents ( I have a pet rabbit). Cinderella was also the only classic Disney movie to have a good live action adaptation and unlike Snow White and Belle her dress was actually pretty.

Brooke Klugewicz: 

My favorite Disney princess is probably Belle because she liked reading a lot, and I’m an English major, so obviously I like reading. I love how she is okay with going with the flow, which is something I am still working on. Belle prioritizes the other people in her life, regardless of how they treat her and that is something I resonate with. I don’t actually like the movie, but I do like Belle as a character—my favorite Disney movie would be Tangled.

Kayla Clark: 

My favorite Disney movie is Pirates of the Caribbean! I could watch it a million times and never get bored (and they’re all so attractive…). It’s so exciting and inspiring to watch characters overcome hardship together. I love a good found-family trope! The setting is so vivid and fun; it’s the ultimate escapism. 

Giana Cammisa: 

My favorite Disney movie is Monsters University. This is such a comfort movie for me because I relate to Mike with sometimes feeling like giving all my effort still is not enough. I feel like sometimes everyone longs for something that just isn’t meant for them but it’s the dedication that matters!

Samantha M: 

My favorite Disney movie is definitely Tangled. Obviously, a big part of it is because of Flynn Rider, but other than the fact that it is home to the Best Disney Man™, the art style is one of my favorites of recent movies. Specifically, in the scenes with the forest, there is something about the way the animation made all the greenery look so lush. Like, I also wanted to jump into a giant pile of leaves while Flynn stands to the side and judges my every move. I also really appreciated the way this movie allows people to continue pushing themselves to meet their goals. Obviously, it is not great to push yourself too far, there is something great in today’s society about allowing kids and young people to dream for themselves. 

Alyssa Dawson: 

My favorite Disney movie has always been Snow White. It is the first movie I remember seeing as a child, and its very weird and very flawed charm has stuck with me since. I too, would be fooled by a delicious crisp apple and, as long as the waking-up was a given, the few days of sleep that followed seem like even more of a little treat. Besides the obvious relatability, I also found the idea of living in a secluded cottage, surrounded by nature, animals, and little friendly men aspirational. Snow White makes me yearn for a time that has never existed– one full of magic– both the fictional and everyday kind.

Wrileigh Bacon:

Honestly, I have a lot of appreciation for the 2015 live action remake of Cinderella. Unlike a large portion of the other live action remakes of Disney films, Cinderella captures the magic of the original story in a way that remains faithful to its source material while also expanding on it in a good way. Lily James and Cate Blanchet bring a wonderful energy to the characters of Ella and Lady Tremaine that makes them feel more realistic. The live action remake also corrects a gripe I have with the original animated movie, which is the actual relationship between Ella and the Prince. Instead of a “love at first sight” meeting similar to the animated film, the live action film has the two characters meet before the ball and have their personalities influence each other in a way that makes them better people. The Prince (or Kit as he is called in the film), takes influence from Ella’s views and uses them to build a foundation for how he wishes to rule his kingdom, overall making it better for everyone. Speaking of Ella, I like how it expands on why Ella stays with Lady Tremaine and her daughters, which also builds on her character of being a kind and gentle person.

Anna McBride: 

Mulan, she breaks gender norms and we stan.

Venus Martinez is the Campus Correspondent for the Geneseo chapter of Her Campus. They are a Psychology major with a minor in Human Development. They dream of getting to watch Lando Norris race in person. Their main hobby is falling for men who are borderline red flags. In their free time, they like to yap, listen to music, fail at cross-stitching, buy new silly earrings, save edits of men who will never know them, and cry over the fact that BTS is in the military. They want you to stream Walk by NCT 127 because it is an amazing album you should listen to and would change your life.
Samantha is a junior Adolescent Education: English (creative writing) major and Communications minor. She likes Formula One, SEVENTEEN, romance novels, and taking 4 hour naps.
Hi I’m Wrileigh I’m a junior in college I like crocheting
McKenna Kelly

Geneseo '27

McKenna Kelly is a new Her Campus user from SUNY Geneseo. She is an undecided major, but is considering choosing history. She enjoys binge watching Grey's Anatomy in her free time.