It takes a lot of effort to just survive college. It takes even more hard work to be successful in college. However, you don’t have to do it alone! Nice upperclassmen are always willing to answer questions, your advisor is there for help, and then there’s this article to give you advice!
You can walk into the financial aid office and say “I have no clue what to do” and they will help you figure it out!
I am a first generation college student, so I had no clue how anyone pays for college, when to get a personal loan or even what FAFSA does. My mom and I were able to figure out most of it on our own, but if we had someone who knew what they were doing to help us, it would’ve been a much less painful process. We finally hired someone to fill out my FAFSA because we both ended up hysterically crying when we tried to do it ourselves. The office of financial aid is there to help you figure these things out! They are there to sit with you and figure out what your options are and which is the best choice for you. They also know what FAFSA is! At Geneseo, you can go to Erwin Hall and make an appointment with a financial aid advisor. Maybe you are unsure if you should move off campus. They will help you decide from a financial standpoint! Maybe you want to know how much money you should take out when you get a personal loan. They will tell you a number! This resource is always there for you, so use it!
Don’t underestimate the power of going on a walk!
Nothing cures quite like a long walk with music blasting through your earbuds. When I’m on the verge of tears from stress, I take one of these walks. I walk an entire circle around my campus at a very leisurely pace. There is no rush. Just walk with no purpose. Look at the trees. Take a picture of a pretty flower. Just let your mind relax and wander. Once you’ve cleared your jitters, you can return to your work with a new sense of purpose and motivation!
Learn how to say no
I wrote an entire article about this, which you can find here, but I will give you the short version now. Start saying no to some things. It’s okay to not go to the a cappella concert because you need to sleep. It’s okay to skip a club meeting because you need to get some work done. Don’t be so afraid to say no that you don’t have time to take care of yourself!
You won’t be arrested for skipping one class
In no way am I telling you to skip all your classes. All I’m saying is that it’s not the end of the world if you randomly go on a day trip with your friends and miss a class. It’s okay if you’re sick and need to focus on getting better so you can’t make it to class. No one will arrest you if you decide to drive home on a Friday morning instead of going to class to see your family. Don’t make a habit of this, remember you are paying for these classes whether or not you fail. Make sure you get your money’s worth. However, I was terrified the first time I skipped a class! You don’t have to be! This isn’t high school, you don’t need a doctor’s note and your mom’s permission to stay home for a day.
I don’t care what your gender is. Sometimes you just need to cry. This may not be a feeling you had in high school, but I promise that sometimes putting on YouTube videos of soldiers returning home to surprise their kids and crying for a half an hour will make you feel better. This isn’t an everyday thing, but maybe twice a semester just let yourself sob! I was one of those people who said, “I don’t need to cry, I’m strong enough to do anything I put my mind to.” I wish someone had told me that you can still be strong enough to do anything you put your mind to and still cry sometimes! Everyone needs a good cry occasionally. It’s therapeutic to let your stress go with your tears. Just make sure that when you dry your eyes you also lift up your chin, straighten your shoulders and get back to conquering your dreams.
I hope that this advice helps you, regardless of your class year. A lot of this advice can be carried over into the real world as well! I’m a first generation college student which means I really thought that I was on my own. I tried so hard to do everything all by myself, and I really wish that I had sought out some advice and help. To everyone who is trying their best to do this solo, you don’t have to! Seek out help because it’s there just waiting for you.
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