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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Geneseo chapter.

What people do on average 2.5 times, is something that is in some ways expected. Changing your major can be a hard decision, from the paperwork, to telling your caregivers, to telling others when they ask. Even just the thought of having to start over is scary.Ā  What if you are choosing wrong? What if it doesn’t work out? What if you want to change back? What if, what if, what if?

I changed my major in the second semester of my first year. If you told me before I even got halfway through my first semester that I would change my major, I would not have believed you. A few different things went into my decision. Primarily, it was due to my struggle and lack of interest in my major-related classes. That then pushed me to look into future classes I would have to take and I only found two classes I was even remotely interested in. I vented to my boyfriend about this to see if he had any suggestions. To my knowledge, he has never changed his major. He told me why he chose his major and future profession. Seeing how his face lit up, how giddy and excited he was, made me realize that I never felt that with anything related to my major. I looked around other majors the school offers and found political science. I was interested in almost all the classes. I researched jobs with that major and I would still be able to do what I always wanted to do.Ā 

“There are many reasons to change and even to change back. Each and every one of them is just as valid as the next”

Changing your major can be a huge decision. I considered being a double major but realized I wanted to focus on political science and let the rest go.Ā Even though I knew that I would enjoy this new major more, I was still full of anxiety about the change – for all the same reasons mentioned in the first paragraph. And I know I am not the only one who felt this way about changing their major.

I know multiple people who have changed their major and are happier now than they were. So, to anyone struggling and even thinking of switching majors: Changing your mind is nothing to be ashamed of. There are many reasons to change and even to change back, and each and every one of them is just as valid as the next. Do what you think will make you happy. Even if you are wrong, it doesn’t have to be a permanent change. Some people might make you think you should be upset but don’t listen to them. Just try to focus on what is best for you <3

Born in 2005, Faith Manchester (She/they) has been a writer her whole life. Since the day she learned how to form a sentence they have always written. She writes many different types of pieces on many different topics. They still continue to change even now, as you will see. However, she usually writes here about society, and everyday life. She also writes about different things in pop culture from time to time. She became even more enthralled with writing in middle and high school. They was in multiple writing contests and has had her creative writing published a few other times. Faith is currently a Political Science major, with a minor in ethics and values in society. But writing is not the only thing they are interested in. In her free time they enjoy reading, art, archery and learning new hobbies. Faith also has enjoyed volunteering since she was 8 years old.