In an attempt to draw more business in a growing health nut society, Starbucks recently released two new vegan protein drinks. Since I’ve been vegetarian since 2010, before the vegan trend hit, I have a general distrust of processed non-vegan items made vegan. However, in the middle of a four hour study block, I did venture out to one of our campus Starbucks locations to test out the new drink: the Almond Protein Blended Cold Brew.
1. Is this walk worth it?
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It’s the second week of freshman year and I’m already walking across campus in pajamas, fuzzy socks with slides, no makeup and a messy bun.
2. Do I really need caffeine at 8pm on a Tuesday night?
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Hey, maybe I’ll get all my homework done for the week!
3. PLEASE get my order right.
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If you’ve ever had dietary restrictions, or been with someone who does, you know the stress of ordering at restaurants. Nothing’s worse than having to make the server uncomfortable by sending it back.. or worse, how you feel when you eat something you’re allergic or intolerant to.
Related: How to Snack as a Vegan
4. Is this actually vegan?
Me watching the barista make my drink:
Via Giphy
No, really. I double checked with the guy after he handed it to me.
5. This does NOT taste vegan.
Via Giphy
Has it been too long for me to remember what cow’s milk tastes like?
Related: Top 7 Healthy Starbucks Drinks and Hacks
6. I feel like a bodybuilder that adds protein powder to everything.
Via Giphy
The drink has a pretty chalky texture, and you can clearly taste the protein add in. However, you can always ask for changes such as a whole banana rather than the banana date blend, or more almond milk.
7. I still don’t like Starbucks…
Via Giphy
I’ve never been a huge coffee person, but Starbucks has always been overpriced to me with waaayy too much sugar and fat.
Overall, the drink is probably good for bodybuilders and vegans already addicted to coffee. With all the healthier ways to give yourself energy, it’s really not worth it. I’ll stick to my fruits & veggies, with the occasional pint of nice cream for a late night treat ;)