This week’s campus celebrity is the exact definition of perseverance and hard work. Yara El Mowafy- a Mason grad student who is working very hard and succeeding at making a difference here in our community. One of the amazing things she has done is that she has implemented a Food Pantry on campus for our homeless students here at GMU. Just like any other area or community our students also suffer from homelessness. If you or anyone you know are in need of basic supplies the food pantry is located in Sub 1 in room 4207. Be sure to check out all the good she is making and please donate any canned foods, or basic necessities to her!
1. Where are you from? Cairo, Egypt!
2. What college did you go to and what was your experience like? I’ve been at Mason since I graduated high school in 2011. And it was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done.
3. Which advice would you have wished you would have listened to while in college? Honestly, I don’t think I would have done anything differently in college. I took advantage of every opportunity that came my way… work, internships, new courses, study abroad, fellowship, accelerated degree, student organizations… Just everything!
4. What made you so passionate about homelessness here at GMU? It’s more of a passion about justice and equality than homelessness. There’s such a contrast between Mason students who are financially secure and those who are not, in my opinion there was very little being done to support those who needed it the most.
5. If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why? Cocoa Krispies, because they’re so tiny yet they’re EVERYWHERE. My life is like that most of the time, just all over the place.
6. What’s a quote you live by? Be the change you want to see in the world.
7. What is the greatest challenge you have with the food pantry on campus? Making it a permanent part of Mason has been challenging but also developing a sustainable model.
8. When is the food pantry open? The pantry is open every day, typically from 10-3 p.m.
9. Are you more of a hunter or gatherer? Definitely a hunter.
10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully working in Africa on development projects in low-income communities.
11. Who’s your celebrity crush? Channing Tatum
12. What is the most effective way students can help out with homelessness here at GMU? Volunteer your time! Host a food drive! Or just spread awareness. Either way, just email me
Be sure to reach out to Yara for volunteer options or for more information! Let’s do our part to help one another Collegiettes! Check out the facebook page: