It feels like just yesterday I was coming to George Mason University to attend Freshman Orientation. I was nervous about being around all new people and wondering if I would make friends. Luckily, I made friends at orientation that I still call friends today! (Shoutout to the Lil Baddies). Â Beyond that I recall moving in to my freshmen dorm and thinking college would last forever. Well let me tell you, it most definitely did not last forever.
Just last week, I woke up at 5:45 a.m. to register for my last semester of classes. I couldn’t believe that the time had come for me to register for the very last time. Here I was, stressing about graduating a semester early when everyone else seemed to be more excited than I was. I started to panic because I had no clue what I would do about a job, a career, or my future.
                          Related: Last Semester GMU Bucket List
Recently, I was accepted into the Teach For America 2019 Corp. While everyone else offered many congratulations, I was 10x more stressed. Can I really afford to move? Will I survive further from my friends and family than I have ever been? All of these questions ran and are still running through my head. I most certainly was not prepared for college to end so soon, but I know I will make it through. I am excited to see where this journey takes me and I intend to make the best of the rest of my time in college.
This next chapter of my life will most certainly bring ups and downs, but I know I will be stronger because of it. I am excited for all of the opportunities that teaching will bring to me and all the experiences I will garner. I don’t know where I will teach or what I will be teaching, but I do hope I love every minute of it. Knowing that I have everything secured for a job for post-graduation life takes a weight off of my shoulders. It gives me a breath of fresh air and the opportunity to enjoy my last semester with no worries.