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Free Comic Book Day: The Perfect Day To Explore The World Of Comics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Once a year, comic stores around the nation hold an event that has one purpose: to give out completely free comics. It sounds like there would be a catch to this, but it really is that simple! On Saturday, May 4, 2024, comic stores will be giving away free comics from a list of 48 titles to collectors and new readers alike. This is the best day to add to your collection or to try something new!

​I am a relatively new fan of comics, and I remember wanting to get into them for years before I did, but I was always overwhelmed by the choices. How would I know what kind of comics I liked? Even though I was a big MCU fan, the choices of Marvel comics alone were daunting. So, when I found out about Free Comic Book Day, it was the perfect opportunity to dip my toes into the world of comics. Ever since those first few free issues, I’ve been hooked!

​This is how it works: Participating comic stores will have display tables with stacks and stacks of comic choices created and curated specially for this event. These include titles from Marvel, DC, and Disney, as well as many independent titles. The genres are widespread as well—superhero, mystery, comedy, thriller, romance, you name it. Whatever your interest is, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a comic you’ll enjoy. Depending on the store, they’ll let you choose a few different issues to take home. Of course, you can always shop the regular comics and collectibles while you’re there, but the free comics are the main event.

​Although many of the titles will be a surprise, some of this year’s comics have already been announced. For fans of Marvel, they’ll be offering a Spider-Man comic and an X-Men comic. For Shakespeare enthusiasts, there is a title called “Romeo vs. Juliet,” which, personally, I think sounds fantastic. If you are a fan of Fall Out Boy, there will even be a comic co-written by Pete Wentz himself, called “Dying Inside.” One title I am particularly excited about is a Stranger Things comic that is being offered, called “Hellboy.” There will be Star Wars, Doctor Who, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Pokémon comics as well. However, these are only a small fraction of the titles being offered. You’re sure to find something that will pique your interest and be a fun, easy introduction to the comics!

​If you plan to take part in the fun of Free Comic Book Day, I recommend you check out The Amazing Comic Shop in University Mall! It’s right across from GMU, and they participate in the event each year. In past years, they’ve also had local artists and comic creators set up displays of their work that you can buy. However, there are several different stores to choose from. The official Free Comic Book Day website has a store locator to find participating shops, so even if you can’t get to The Amazing Comic Shop, you can find one near you.

​I hope you can take advantage of this event as an opportunity to try out something new, or even just as a short break from studying for finals!

Erin Zellner

George Mason University '25

Erin is a junior majoring in English with a concentration in literature. After college, she aspires to work in publishing and editing. Erin loves to read, write, make art, and spends much of her time obsessing over various TV shows. She especially enjoys writing about media, pop culture, and community.