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Hello Miss VP: Samantha Wettasinghe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.
Beaty and brains does exist! Meet GMU’s 2013 student body vice president! 
Name: Samantha Wettasinghe
Major: Information Technology
Year: Senior
Relationship Status?: Single
Work: Currently serving as Student Body Vice President!
Hobbies: I play the piano, and I like playing video games on my PS3; I am addicted to Grand Theft Auto V right now!
Favorite Store: H&M
Favorite Food: Can’t go wrong with Chicken Noodle Soup!
As the Vice President, what are your goals?: To connect more with students. I had the opportunity to do that as a Patriot Leader and then a Program Coordinator for the Office of Orientation and Family Programs and Services. I don’t want to lose that at a time that I think is especially important. Having said that, I hope to gain interest from students in having a voice in University related projects and creating projects for us to work on in SG as well.
How do you plan on accomplishing goals?: Thankfully I work with a great team of students in Student Government. Through their same wants as mine we have events on campus every month that allow for student input and issues in whatever students feel like sharing. Taking the input that we get I hope to bring attention to these issues and work with admin, offices, and students to help solve these issues or continue the successes that students see. 
What advice would you give other woman that are trying to get involved on campus/student gov’t?: Do not be afraid to simply reach out to a member of and organization or Student Government and ask what you can do to become involved. Even if you are not sure that an organization is right to you, asking questions is a great start to becoming more involved on campus. And if the over 300 organizations on campus do not meet any of your likes or passions then feel free to start one by speaking to RSO (Registered Student Organizations).
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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