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I Watched ‘Forbidden Desires: An Alpha’s Love’ so You Don’t Have To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

‘Forbidden Desires: An Alpha’s Love’ is all over tiktok right now and honestly, it’s worth the watch.

Related: https://www.hercampus.com/school/sbu/ending-the-stigma-tiktok-music/

We’ve all seen the cringeworthy Alpha’s Love ads on our explore pages showing the romance between Professor Adrian and Chloe. At this point, it honestly seems like they’re taking over everyone’s feed. But, for me at least, at some point this annoyance switched to genuine intrigue. Yes, the plot is awful. The acting is undeniably terrible. The 45 seconds of ads I have to watch before every one minute episode are infuriating. But the joy created by watching each absurd episode is unmatched. Me and my friend are 33 episodes in and I simply cannot wait until we get to watch the next section. 

I will not sit here and tell you that this show is good by any means. In fact, it has nothing going for it besides the laughter it unintentionally creates. However, I am also willing to say that it is completely worth the watch with a friend. An Alpha’s Love follows a plotline so absurd and unpredictable that after just a few episodes you’ll be hooked. Not only is Chloe Adrian’s mate (unbeknownst to her), she’s also his student and future step sister who just so happens to be living with him. To add another layer, he’s an alpha and forbidden to love a human. Filled with overly complex plotlines and hundreds of unanswered questions, Alpha’s Love is guaranteed to keep you guessing (and laughing).

The show itself is chock full of questionable decisions. Somehow, Adrian and Chloe always seem to find themselves wrapped up in incredibly bizarre situations. Beyond that, every scene offers a brand new question for the viewer to speculate about. Why does Adrian only wear glasses in scenes where Chloe calls him professor? Why are they never shown in a room in their house more than once? Why is every line said without an ounce of subtlety? There are some things the viewer just simply is not meant to know.

The value of An Alpha’s Love goes beyond the simple viewing experience. This is a show that has now fostered countless inside jokes and sparked many conversations for me. People want to know just what happens after that awkward shower scene or the time where Chloe’s mom walks into Adrian’s room. Involving others in your new show is part of the fun! Beyond that, an Alpha’s Love joke is always guaranteed to have me crying laughing. The show is simply too good to be true. 

As college students, we all know how important a good laugh and time with friends can be. And I’m sure many of us find joy in cheesy TV and movies with friends as well. To me, this is no different. An Alpha’s Love may be gaining a reputation as “that cheesy show from the tiktok ads” but in the hearts of me and my friend, it will always be one of the greatest shows. 

Emma Paskey

George Mason University '25

Emma Paskey is a staff writer at the Her Campus George Mason University Chapter. She is currently working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Art History. She is incredibly passionate about researching and writing within the art history field, and is looking for more opportunities to write as a part of Her Campus. In her free time, Emma enjoys embroidery and other crafts. She loves to be able to create things in addition to reading about art. She also enjoys spending quality time with friends and family. In the future, Emma hopes to pursue a career as a museum curator or a museum educator in order to continue doing what she loves!