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India Holton’s new book, The Ornithologist’s Field Guide to Love, is the perfect summer read!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

The Ornithologist’s Field Guide to Love by India Holton follows rival ornithologists Beth and Devon who are both racing across England’s countryside as part of a competition to find the rare deathwhistler bird. The bird is rumored to have magical powers, and whoever finds and captures it will become Birder of the Year, a position that will greatly improve the winner’s professional life. 

From their very first interaction, Devon finds Beth to be beautiful, intelligent, and extremely good at her job. However, he cannot, at any cost, let her know this because of their rivalry. And of course, this becomes harder when the two ornithologists are forced to team up to have a chance at finding the rare bird. It also becomes even more difficult when all of England suddenly starts following their progress and shipping them together! 

India Holton’s characteristic humor and creativity shines throughout the book just as it did in her Dangerous Damsels series. Her books are lighthearted, fun, and adventurous just much as they are romantic and dreamy. Her characters are so wonderful and feel so real! I felt exactly like I was an ornithologist tramping across the country in search of the deathwhistler alongside Beth and Devon.  

I’m so excited for the rest of the series and I cannot recommend The Ornithologist’s Field Guide to Love more! Check it out on July 23rd!

Katarina Benson

George Mason University '25

Katarina Benson is the Editor in Chief at the Her Campus at George Mason chapter. She oversees all articles published at George Mason University. They are currently a junior majoring in English with a dual cultural studies and film studies concentration. Beyond Her Campus, Kat works as the public relations student coordinator and as an editorial assistant at George Mason. In her free time, Kat enjoys playing tennis, reading, and trying new cafes. She's a big fan of 90s shows and movies and loves to travel. They also post about books and reading at @strawberryblondebookshelf on instagram.