Year: Junior
Major: Health and Physical Education
Hometown: Richmond, VA
Relationship Status: Single
What activities are you involved in on campus?
I am a Sister of the Iota Alpha chapter of Alpha Xi Delta here at GMU. I am part of the PHED majors club as well as a Manager on Duty for Mason Recreation. I play intramural sports and was part of Mason Field Hockey Club for one year.
What do you love about being apart of the Mason community?
I love the diversity of the student body at George Mason University, and all of the different opportunities offered here at our school.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
People would be surprised to know that I can’t stand the hint of a bad smell and I have no idea how I am going to deal with that as a PE teacher…
What are your career goals?
I hope to teach middle school and high school Health and Physical Education.As well as working with the public school system to change the nutrition information offered to students as well as the daily lunches served to students Pre-K through 12th grade. It’s also a dream of mine to travel and teach Health and Human Sexuality in Africa.
If you could date anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Johnny Knoxville… enough said