It may only be fall semester, but senioritis is spreading like the plague. Every morning feels like it’s a little bit harder to wake up for your 8:30 lecture and the freshman on campus are beginning to look like small children. There’s seven months until May, but are you facing an early diagnosis of senioritis?
1. You’re having an existential crisis… every day.
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People are beginning to ask about your plans after graduation but all you want to do is hermit in your bed and somehow get paid a decent salary for it. You’re also starting to get those reminders that your loan will need to be paid back in a few short months. Fun.
2. You’re starting to feel nostalgic over every little thing
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It’s okay to feel emotional knowing that you’re about to leave the place you’ve called home for four years. Take a trip to the dining hall with your friends one last time, even though you swore it off for good once you got regular access to a stove again.
3. You already have a countdown on your phone
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Staring at it will not make it move any faster, unfortunately. If you’ve had the countdown going since last spring, you’re obviously ready to pick up your cap and gown. Try to enjoy the little moments in class with your favorite professors. Live in the moment because the minute that countdown hits zero you’ll wonder why you ever wanted to rush through it all.
Related: A Senior Toast to GMU
4. Procrastination is at its peak
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The overwhelming urge to nap is strong. Suddenly reorganizing your entire room sounds like a great idea! Resist the temptation and power though. I promise your bed will welcome you back with open arms after graduation. At the same time, make sure to take care of your mental health and don’t let stress take over. The months leading up to graduation are definitely overwhelming, but you’re happiness in the end is most important.
5. You’ve taken up residency in the school library
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Whether it’s filling out grad school applications or finishing up term papers, you’ve claimed your favorite study spot in the library from the past four years and no freshman better take it from you. You’re having major writer’s block thinking of an essay topic because you’ve literally written them all. If you haven’t used a planner, now is probably the time to start. Write down all important dates and deadlines, especially registration dates for graduate exams. This will at least give the illusion you have your life together going into the real world.
You’re in the home stretch, senior Collegiettes! May the grading curve be ever in your favor!