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Lija Lusis: Founder of MedLife George Mason

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Via Lija Lusis

Lija Lusis is a sophomore at George Mason University studying community health with a concentration in clinical science. After a study abroad trip through the university to Peru, she started her own student organization on campus advocating for legislative health reform and volunteering in impoverished countries.

How would you describe Medlife?

LL: The acronym stands for medicine, education and development for low income families everywhere. Essentially, what it does is provide educational opportunities as well as medical services to low income communities abroad…mostly in South Africa. We have campaigns in countries like Peru, Lima and Ecuador. We even have one in Tanzania!

How did you initially get involved in it?

LL: I was studying abroad in Peru over the summer through Mason. They took a day out of our academic structure to show us Medlife. I was immediately inspired and wanted to come back and start a chapter here.Via Lija Lusis

What does an academic chapter do?

LL: Academic chapters have three main responsibilities. We work on funding, education and volunteering. All funds raised go straight to helping communities through health campaigns and projects abroad. Hopefully as Medlife grows, we can have more speakers come to Mason to talk about public health. Medlife hosts service trips through one of the campaigns or we do local volunteering with shelters and any groups that really need it just to get our name out there.  

What are your goals for MedLIfe George Mason?

LL: I really just want to establish a fundamental base for the organization. I want us to promote overall health of the Mason community and make people aware of situations in countries where there really is poverty.

How do you balance running your own student organization and classes?

LL: I’m a highly scheduled person. Every night before I go to bed, I make a schedule for the next day and try to stick to it. I deleted Netflix off my phone and became a way more productive person. I would watch an episode of something while I was eating lunch, now I read up on the news.

Via Lija Lusis

How do you like to de-stress?

LL: Cry (LOL, same girl). For real, I like to go for a run. I go for evening runs and end up over by Mason Pond to hang out there for a while. Anytime I get stressed out I just go for a run.

What’s your favorite study spot on campus?

LL: Fourth floor of Fenwick. I’m a social person and I’m always tempted to talk. When I go up there, I’m motivated. It’s “headphones in, world out.”

What advice do you have for someone who wants to get involved?

LL: Hit us up on Get Connected! We also post all of our meeting info on the GMU chapter Facebook page.


Courtney Boone

George Mason University '18

Courtney is a senior at George Mason University studying forensic psychology and criminology. She serves as Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus George Mason and is also a Her Campus National Chapter Advisor. She graduates in December of 2018 and will be starting her Master's in Criminal Justice this spring at Mason. The motto she lives by: "Put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee and handle it." 
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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