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Freshman Diaries: Pause Please!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

I wish I had a pause button. Not only because there need to be more hours in the day in order for me to get everything done, but also because I’m in crisis mode. The horrifying reality has begun to hit me: my freshman year is almost over. There are only forty-five days left of my first year of college. I have just barely comprehended the fact that I’m actually in college let alone practically a sophomore!

I’m now beginning to experience the first stage of grief: utter denial. This can’t be happening. The end of basketball season was bad enough, as was the finale of the Harry Potter saga, but this I simply cannot handle. Freshman year is supposed to be the best year of your life – does that mean it’s all down hill from here?! No more using “I’m a freshman” as an excuse for all my mistakes?! It’s too much. It can’t be true.

Since the thought of this makes me want to cry, I’ve decided to change my perspective. I have three more years ahead of me at the best place on earth. Now that I know the ins and outs of Georgetown I can take full advantage of everything! I originally thought I wanted to study abroad, but now I’m not sure I can bring myself to leave Georgetown for a full semester. This means three more years of tons of fun, laughter, and yes, the occasional mental break down from stress – but hey, it’s worth it!

I could also look at this as a good thing. I will no longer be at the bottom of the food chain! That’s a serious plus right? I’ll be the more experienced sophomore giving the newest crop of freshman advice. Maybe I’ll even be intimidating. (Hey, a girl can dream right?) Another benefit is that the boys in my grade will no longer be freshman. Here’s to hoping that by graduating to sophomores they’ll be more mature! Downside: I don’t have much more time to lock down a fellow Hoya husband and book Dahlgren Chapel! (Getting ahead of myself – I know).

For now I plan on having the time of my life during my last month and a half of my freshman year. The past two semesters have literally flown by, and sometimes I really wish I could pause, rewind, and start all over again. Even though I can’t do that I still refuse to accept that freshman year is coming to a close. Also because that means finals are looming on the horizon. #uhoh Instead of thinking about that dismal future, I’m focusing on making the end of freshman year unforgettable! Who’s with me?

Along the way I’ll remember my favorite Dr. Seuss quote, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Smile Hoyas!
Hoya Saxa
Georgetown Freshman Survival Tip #9: Savor. Every. Moment. 

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Lacey Henry


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Julia Matin


Julia Matin is a senior at Georgetown University, studying English and Government. She is Vice President of Human Resources at the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union, the largest student-run financial institution in the country. Her interests include writing, lacrosse, field hockey, and skiing. Julia is thrilled to be co-founding the Georgetown branch of Her Campus with Catherine Murphy!