This new series of article, “Style Profile,” introduces up and coming fashion business, designers to the Her Campus community. The first business to be covered in “Style Profile” is STYLECABLE, a DC startup that aims to bring a new perspective to the online shopping community.
Started this past fall and already profiled by Refinery29 as one of the fashion startups for people to keep an eye on, STYLECABLE is already making waves within the fashion industry. The company brings a curated collection of modern and edgy clothes and accessories to the online marketplace that will set you apart from the crowd. What makes STYLECABLE unique is that they focus on emerging designers and help introduce them to the larger community. The company offers two ways to buy products. The first way is just how you would buy anything else online. The second, the “Make it Mine” option offers a different shopping experience. This option allows buyers to preorder goods that will be shipped to them once the designer reaches enough orders. So take some time to explore STYLECABLE’s website – I’m sure you’ll like what you see.
Some of my favorites: