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5 Ways to Win My Heart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Every girl has that dream guy that they hope comes along one day. If you already have him then you are lucky. Just in case i have a crush somewhere in the world that make sit a point to read my articles here are 5 things that you could do to win my heart.


#1: Listen to my blabbering

Of course in relationships you are suppose to listen but i mean listen even when i’m rambling. Like if I tell you Monday that I’m volunteering saturday and then you text me Saturday asking how it went. It goes a long way. Or if I tell you one time that I get headaches on long car rides and when we go to savannah together you ask me if my head is hurting. This kind of stuff just proves that you listen to my random thoughts or blabbering.

#2: Pay Attention

When you pick up on my habits to the point where you know exactly what I get on my burger without me telling you it makes me so happy. I know it’s crazy, but I want someone to know me better then I know myself. Someone who knows that I put gummy worms in every slushy I get from Parker’s just because he has seen me do it a million and one times. Someone who knows to put my water bottles back in my fridge because he knows I take one sip from them and walk off.



#3: Make time for me

I love when someone makes time for me. People are only on this earth for a fraction of a second so time is very valuable. When it’s a Saturday night and you want to spend it with me? It shows that you enjoy my company. When you are super busy and we’ve barely talked over the past couple days but you have a 3 hour break so you ask to come over for awhile or meet for a late lunch because you know it would make my day to see you.


#4: Support me

Be that support system that every person needs. When i have a test coming up encourage me to to study. When I’m having family issues listen and give me a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent on. When I have an event with an organization be front row at that event. Show you care and are proud of who I am and where I am going.


#5: Appreciate me

All of these things I am asking for because I give them. Show me the respect I deserve and show you appreciate what I do for you. If its flowers, by support, a simple hug or kiss. Little gestures go a long way. Show me you are thankful for me every day even if it’s just saying it.

“When someone loves you, they dont have to say it. You can tell by the way they treat you.” -Unknown


Elena Yeargan

Georgia Southern '18

E. GATA. Senior Education Major. President of the Georgia Southern Chapter "Lead with integrity."-Unknown
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.