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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

HerCampus:          Who all makes up UrbanPrepped?

UrbanPrepped:      Nakia Mason @thenakiamason, Elisa Turner @missybang, Amber @_relltalk, Tracey Lynch @t3zooitup


HC:      What is UrbanPrepped?

UP:      A radio show and marketing company designed to change the viewpoint of African Americans in the media.


HC:      What brought you all together to form this movement? What is the tone or voice of UrbanPrepped?

UP:      Elisa brought everybody together to start the movement. We use radio, comedy, social media, and word of mouth to spread the truth about our community.


HC:      What are you all’s favorite aspect of working with each other? Any specific memory that stands out?

UP:      The chemistry is the best part of the show. The memory that stands out the most is the time when we had Zaytoven the well-known producer call in the show to listen to our freestyle Friday battle. 


HC:      When and where can people listen to the broadcast?

UP:      People can listen to our show every Thursday from 7-8fm on 91.9FM the buzz or our stream at www.ustream.tv/channel/urban-prepped-radio.


HC:      Are you all involved with any other organizations on campus? Any events in the works?

UP:      As a group we’re not involved in any other organization.


HC:      So who’s the loud mouth of the bunch? How do you keep them quiet? (haha)

UP:      We’re all loud mouths, it really just depends on the topic.


HC:      Where do you all see Urban Prepped as time progresses?

UP:      As the time progresses we hope that UrbanPrepped will be the premier marketing and branding company in the entertainment business. 


HC:      What advice would you all give to the freshman girls, current and upcoming?

UP:      UrbanPrepped would advise that any freshman girl takes the time to get to know herself. Take the time to get to know her likes, dislikes, and love herself.








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Kyle King

Georgia Southern

Senior at Georgia Southern University, mass communcations major. Let's have some fun! #Taurus #CarolinaPanthers 
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.