Samantha Odiari, also known as Sammie, is one of southern’s most talented students. Her twitter name, Ms. Jackofalltrades fits her so well because she can go from drawing, to fixing your phone screen, to even slaying your hair. Here’s your chance to get to know Sammie!
Age :21
Hometown: London, United Kingdom Major: Information Systems Fun fact About You : I know how to speak Chinese. What Do You Like To Do In Your Free Time: Edit videos, create websites, Sketch, fix phones, hang out with my friends  School Involvement: Visage, Phi eta sigma, national society of collegiate scholars Plans For The Future: Once I get my degree I would like to become a web developer, hopefully open up my own salon, and eventually create a full line of hair products and accessories. “I really do love it when people come up to me instead of staring. I use to have bad anxiety and still find it a little uncomfortable when groups of females stare. So if you’d really like to speak to me feel free, I don’t bite and am always happy to talk to anyone,” said Sammie.