The end of the semester is something every college student can’t wait for and dreads at the same time. With the end of the semester comes a break that we all know we need and deserve however before the rainbow must come the storm which is FINAL WEEK. The week where we cram everything that we learned (or in some cases didn’t learn) into one test. But if we’re really lucky we won’t have a cumulative test.
The part where you and your friends talk about how many test you have in how many days.
The part where you should be studying for the three test you have one Monday but you’re just sitting there telling yourself you’re going to study any minute now.
The part where you just giving up on study but then realize you need a high B to pass the class.
The moment when you’re just calm as ever right before the test.
The day of the test.
When you look at the test for the first time.
The moment when you just give up on trying to figure out number 8 on the test and turn it in.
But no matter if you studied or not good luck and may the force be with you!