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HCGS President : Kendra Cray

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Name: Kendra Cray

Classification: Senior

What made you want to join Her Campus Georgia Southern?

I was introduced to Her Campus Georiga Southern my Freshman year of college. I was welcomed with open arms to a group of girls who shared similar interests as me. I was recurited as a contributor to write fashion-related articles. As a fashion blogger, I felt that I could contribute my style interests and knowledge while polishing my skills and learning more about writing.

What positions have you had within Her Campus Georgia Southern?

Originally I joined Her Campus Georgia Southern as a weekly writer. After being involoved for a semester, I then took on the positions of Social Media Director my sophomore year. I was then voted Vice President and now President.

Why should others join Her Campus Georgia Southern?

If you are looking for a place to get your voice heard on campus, you should definitely join HCGS! Bloggers, vloggers, photographers, fashionistas and fashionistos can find a place within Her Campus. The opportunities and posiblities are endless!

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Kendra Cray

Georgia Southern

ΔΣΠ| hail southern | HC CA@hercampusgs| Style Guru Intern@cfashionista | You can have anything you want if you dress for it.â™›| iBlog⇝CollegeGirlKendra.com