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High School Homecoming vs. College Homecoming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Making the social transition from high school to Georgia Southenr can be very challenging for some students. Here at Her Campus Georgia Southern we have compiled a list of things that you may have done in high school that you should never do in college!

High School Homecoming

1. What You Wear:


2. Budget: 

You spend hundreds of your parents’ hard earned dollars on a tux or dress, food, maybe a limo rental, and whatever fees left that are a part of homecoming.

3. Beverage: 

Fruit Punch or other simple juices/sodas

4. Transportation:

You desperately try to catch a ride with your friends or their parents while doing everything you can to avoid having your own parents drop you off. If you’re fortunate enough, limos are also a possibility. Your parents end up dropping you off.

5. Football:

Simple Friday night game no longer than maybe two hours.  

6. Chaperones

7. Dancing:

Dancing usually includes a few slow dances to classic romantic hits, a little hip hop, rock and roll, and maybe the worm or the robot in the Soul Train line to top things off.

8. After party:



8. The Morning After:

Church, breakfast, the usual.



Now here’s for the fun stuff…

College Homecoming

1. What You Wear:


2. Budget: 

$10 worth of your school’s team color face paint, $15 football team t-shirt, $0 game face.

3. Beverage:

4. Transportation: 

Everything in a college town is, usually, close together. Walking everywhere during homecoming is a commonality. Drunk stumbling to the game is also good exercise.

5. Football: 

All day Saturday. Most likely televised. No parking spaces, nowhere left to sit.


6. Cops:

During homecoming, cops are out more than ever. Be careful not to drink and drive!

7. Dancing: 

Twerking. There is a lot of twerking.

8. The After Party:

Let’s be honest here, things get a little rowdy on homecoming.

9. The Morning After:

Journalism major. 22. Georgia Southern. 
Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.