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November Celebrates Writers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.


Is it a day? Is it a week? No! It’s a whole month of endless writing. From small scale to large, hobby to vocation, the time has come for all writers to pick up their pens (or laptops – whatever your tools are) and begin writing. The goal is 50,000 words by the end of the month.

But what is this event you are preparing for?

Why it’s NaNoWriMo more correctly known as National Novel Writing Month. For more information, you can visit the site: nanowrimo.org

For the next 30 days, writers all over the world use this one month to kick start ideas or finish up that novel they hadn’t had the chance to yet. It’s really great fun. The sign up on the site is free and it helps you keep track of how many words you’ve written. There’s even a graph that helps you estimate how long it will take you to write an average sized novel.

The site also offers up a donations board and it runs all year. They had several writing camps to help you accomplish your dreams. During this month of endless writing, we have season writers sending out little tips on how to overcome writers block, how to push through difficult plot lines, and even how to make your characters more interesting. There are messaging board and online chat room where you can meet out writer and see how they’re going about writing their own novels, too.

The whole idea is to help writers who don’t know how to get their writing out there or just need that first push into getting started.

I know 50,000 words is a lot to try to write in one month. And when you think about it, who actually has the time to just write that much? But the goal isn’t the number (not completely at least). The goal is to get started, get help, and know just what you’re capable of. Whether its 500 word or 6,000. Write, write, write.

Do it in your car. While you’re at the doctor’s office. Standing in line at the DMV. Or even jot down some stuff before you go to sleep.

It can be several short stories. A series of poems. One never-ending song. Or the first five chapters to a novel.

It can be a combined piece with your best friend. A Fanfic you’ve always wanted to write. Or polishing off the thing you wrote six years ago.

Whatever it is, pick it up, dust it off and have a go at it again. It’s amazing what the mind can do when given a little nudge in the right direction.

So writers.

Grab your pens, pencils, or laptops.

Get ready.

Get set!


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Samantha Harvey

Georgia Southern

I was born in New York. I go to Georgia Southern University. I love to write and read.
Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.