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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

You want to know what I think needs to change? People being afraid to say no. My question is why? When you get asked by some one to go out and you don’t want to go just don’t go. I know you’re like well I can’t be mean to my friends but it’s not being mean, you’re just focusing on your own happiness. Say “no” every once in awhile it will be okay.  Be selfish.


A part of growing up is finding  yourself and you can’t do that if you are always doing what others want you to do. Start doing things you enjoy and getting to know you. Find a new hobby, start that new series on netflix, read a good book, and enjoy your life.


Many people thiink that in their twenties they have to have it together when in reality they dont. they think they have to be working for some big company at th age of 21. Yes, some people are doing this by 21, but most of those people arent happy. Get your experiences in while you are young. You have your entire life ahead of you to take care of others, now is the time to take care of yourselves.


Many people stress  themselves out about being in relationship, or having the best “friend” group who is at every party that happens on the weekend. Stop. Why are you stressing yourselves about  someone who barely texts you and doesn’t appreciate who you truly are….friends and significant others. It is time to grow and bloom into yourselves and if you are so busy giving away all your energy then you won’t have any energy left for yourself. So say no. be lazy, don’t go out, focus on yourself and grow.



“It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make yourself a priority, It’s necessary.”- Unknown



Elena Yeargan

Georgia Southern '18

E. GATA. Senior Education Major. President of the Georgia Southern Chapter "Lead with integrity."-Unknown
Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.