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Tea Time: Self-Reflection Before Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Finals are approaching, and no one is looking forward to it. This time of the semester can be extremely stressful and draining. From studying, reviewing content from August and pulling all-nighters, it is so easy to want to give up. Students are only trying to secure a good GPA and here comes a final attempting to ruin that. No matter how hard it may seem, you need to realize that you made it this far and have the ability to go even further.

A lot of times, people neglect themselves when it is time for finals. What I mean by this is we get so caught up burying ourselves in notes that we forget to check on ourselves and give our mind a break. Treat your mind like you would anything you love and care about. It is okay to take mental breaks during finals season. Go to a yoga class, read a book, or even take a nap. You may think being in your books from sun-up to sun-down is the best idea, but it’s not. In fact, it is easier to forget what you study when you try to cram so much information at once, at the last minute. Make to-do lists on what you will study each day, way ahead of time. Do any little work that’s due early so all you have to worry about during finals week is studying. This will help eliminate some stress as well.

So, here you are about to take that final that’s been bothering you for the longest. Do not forget to breathe. Finals are not the end of the world and do not determine your intelligence. Even if you do not get your desired test grade, don’t let that bum you out. Let that be a lesson to encourage you to put in more time and effort in your studies and overall work next semester, that way your GPA can balance out well. Take a break, sip some tea and commend yourself for your hard work and be proud of what you have accomplished thus far. Hang in there. 

I'm either at home writing or sitting at the nearest Starbucks. Writer. Poet. Womanist. PR Girl 
Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.