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Tea Time: Signs That Those Around You Are Toxic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Have you ever felt extremely uncomfortable with some people?

There is just something about them that you cannot get with no matter how hard you try. They always damper the mood, manipulate situations, or constantly victimize themselves. This is toxic behavior.

Toxic people are draining and even you do not deserve to put up with such. They will literally suck the life out of you, as long as you let them, while having you thinking you are the problem when in actuality, it is them.

No one should ever feel obligated to deal with a toxic person. Whether it’s someone you see as a friend or even a family member, toxic people should not remain in your life if they are going to choose to remain that way. It is probably time to make strategic adjustments regarding who you will allow in your life. Is anyone getting cut?

Here are signs that someone you know may be toxic.

They are manipulative.

Being manipulative means trying to force people to do what you want and think the way you want them to. People who are manipulative do not care about what you want. Their only motive is to get you under their wings to control you like a puppet. You could be right about something and somehow they will use their sneaky, manipulative powers and have you believe you are wrong. You have reached the danger zone.

Toxic people live for the victim role. (And they play it well.)

Have you ever brought a situation or problem to someone and they turn it around to make it seem like it’s your fault? Toxic people will defend themselves with all their might, even when they are the ones in the wrong. Being hurt by a toxic person is a roller coaster. You can tell them what it is that hurt you and instead of listening and trying to correct it, they will get into defense mode and defend their unnecessary prospective without taking any responsibility. Who are you fighting with? That is a pride issue, too.

They point out your flaws to hide their own.

People who have something negative to say about every little thing about you are toxic. From what you are wearing, what you decide to eat, the looks of your hair or that beauty mark you have grown to love – they feel the need to let you know when you are not at your “best”. It’s always the most messed up people who feel entitled to point out flaws of the next person. There is a difference between constructive criticism and intentionally trying to put someone down.

Your feelings are not as important as their own.

When they are not feeling the best, you are always there for them and you might even be that one person they can vent to about anything. However, when you need them you may notice they are gone about their business. Everything is good, but only when they are good. When they are feeling down, according to them, you must be there to make things better but when it is your turn it is not reciprocated. They want you to fix them and be supportive in their time of need only. Do not keep giving and giving comfort to people when you know you will never receive anything in return. You can choose to be someone’s safe place, but who will be yours?


I'm either at home writing or sitting at the nearest Starbucks. Writer. Poet. Womanist. PR Girl 
Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.