It’s the middle of the semester and it can kinda feel like a big hump that you might struggle to get over. It is completely normal to go through points in our college lives when we feel like we’re lacking major inspiration. And as an artist it is the ABSOLUTE HARDEST THING FOR ME. I have all this energy and want to create, but I just can’t.
It might be hard to come out of this bubble, but here are a few things I do to reset and gain inspiration.
Sometimes you have to just get all the excess energy out of you. I like to journal or doodle. I might start off writing about my day and end up telling a story about a dragon whose best friend is a monkey. When doodling I just draw and draw and draw and draw with no plan intended.
Talk it Out
When I really have nothing to inspire me, I like to talk it out with my friends and family. Like doodling, I just kind of talk and say what is going on in my mind. They’ll give me great advice and might even come up with ideas that I couldn’t think of.
Refilling Emotionally
Part of feeling uninspired might be because you feel feeling empty. I haven’t taken the time to fill up on things that that just make me feel good. That could be watching my favorite movies, getting in some retail therapy, spending time with loved ones. Whatever it is, take the time to do it and it’ll help you be emotionally and spiritually recharged.
When you’re full again and inspired, get back into it! Create the things you love, take time with it, and always do the things you love.