First of all, I love the idea of a woman president, but I have given up hope on her for a number of reasons. I’m keeping it simple, but you’re welcome to do your research.
1. The E-mail scandal: Okay, so what’s the big deal? Well, she should have reported it before deleting the e-mails. It would be like you grabbing your boyfriend’s phone and he says, “Hold on, let me see that.” You ask him what he’s doing, and he responds, “Oh, I’m just deleting some messages.” Yeah, sure thing honey. Then, she responds to questions about the scandal by saying,
“I chose not to keep my private, personal emails — emails about planning Chelsea’s wedding or my mother’s funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends, as well as yoga routines, family vacations—the other things you typically find in In boxes. No one wants their personal emails made public, and I think most people understand that and respect that privacy.”
To that, I add, “Really?” No, most people don’t respect that privacy anymore. People share workout routines on social media sites everyday and wedding plans on Pinterest. Who hasn’t shared family vacation pictures before? Even Jimmy Fallon shares his “Thank You Notes” on the Tonight Show. Is she afraid of being seen as “human” or the “average American?” Besides, even if she had secrets to keep why doesn’t she trust the government to handle it like the rest of us? Why doesn’t she trust her potential fans and voters with the truth?
2. Lives Matter: Benghazi
This one is simple. Hillary had time to respond to the threats but procrastinated. We had plenty of warning ahead of time, but Hillary seems to have never seen it coming. Maybe she was looking at her e-mails and got distracted by wedding plans or yoga. The point is, mistakes happen, but her asking, “What difference does it make?” makes her seem irresponsible. It makes an enormous difference and we need a president who can own up to her/his responsibilities. Avoiding things just makes you look guilty.
3. She is Pro-Rape
In her first criminal defense case in 1975, Hillary Clinton lied about a 12-year-old girl’s rape. You can hear the lies in the recordings where she laughed about the rapist getting off with only one year behind bars. To her defense, she mentions how not defending him (the rapist) would be a “breach of personal responsibilities.” Oh, so Benghazi wasn’t a breach of personal responsibility? She even goes so far as to fabricate reasons why this girl was guilty of stating how the girl can have a temper when she doesn’t get her way and how children ‘exaggerate’ these experiences when they come from ‘disorganized’ families. Does having an organized family make you any better than most Americans? This girl spent 5 days in a coma after the attack and was told she would never be able to have children. Hillary needs to apologize.
4. She claimed she was Broke:
Ha-ha Ha, Hillary-ous! A multi-millionaire claiming not just financial trouble but going so far as to say she was broke. Hillary, if you are trying to get us to feel sorry for you, it’s not working. Why not try and say,“Vote for me because I am a woman, I have a lot of money, and I can do what I want.” So many people will support that. If you’re curious, go look up how much she makes. I know her campaign is to get corrupting money out of politics, but I’m assuming this is after her 2.5 billion is spent just to get your vote. Money can’t buy my vote.