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The 10 Most Hated Halloween Candies to Avoid This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

1. Fruit


2. Candy Corn!! 

You either love it or you hate it, there’s no in between.

3. Circus Peanuts

Practically unheard of and most definitely inedible.

4. Mary Janes.

What are they anyway?

5. Tootsie Rolls

Though good, they’re like eating fake chocolate.

6. Good & Plenty

More like Bad & None.

7. Licorice, both black and red 

Either makes for a horrible Halloween treat

8. Necco Wafers

The candy you think doesn’t exist anymore but never fails to pop-up.

9. Smarties

A classic candy not meant for a Halloween Bag.

10. Wax Coke Bottles

…hardly even candy.

Kyra Pfeiffer

Gettysburg '21

Kyra is a future English major entering her freshman year at Gettysburg College, where she will participate in intramural sports and a variety of clubs. Originating from Taylor, Pennsylvania, Kyra is fond of small-town culture, as well as using pinky promises as a legitimate foundation of trust, and late night taco bell runs.