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Amazon Messed Up and The Internet’s Vegans Aren’t Happy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Veganism is slowly becoming a more and more prevalent feature in society.  Stores and restaurants catering to this dietary preference are popping up daily around the world and existing establishments continue to expand their reach to include those who follow a vegan lifestyle.  


People have a variety of reasons for doing so—health, animal welfare, even just that it’s becoming “cool.”  I’m not going to complain about anyone for their logic.  

I’m also going to go against the stereotype (in fact, most of us will surprise you) and make it clear in advance that I don’t condemn my omnivorous friends.  

What I will condemn is ignorance.  Not knowing is fine when you’re willing to get the answers.  It becomes an issue when others can get hurt.  

Some backstory:  I’m allergic to dairy products.  No, I’m not lactose intolerant.  I legitimately go into anaphylactic shock.  That’s a big portion of my veganism, personally.  

That’s why, when I saw this post in a Facebook group (Vegan Made Easy), I was absolutely furious.  

That last comment would be me.  How obvious is my anger?

I can handle the vegan jokes.  I can handle bringing my own food to a barbecue.  I cannot, however, handle people—particularly major companies—putting people in danger.  



Sure, “normal” vegans won’t die if they consume an animal product.  But an animal will.  And, chances are, said vegan will feel like s*** when they realize it.  

Many vegans make a point of not purchasing anything that harms or otherwise utilize animals or their byproducts.  This is outright lying to your customers.  


No, Amazon, “Vegan” is not short for “Vegetarian.”  It’s not a clever marketing strategy.  It’s deceit and it’s completely unacceptable.  


For future reference, let me quote Merriam-Webster for you: vegan:  (noun)  a person who does not eat any food that comes from animals and who often also does not use animal products (such as leather).  


Juliette Sebock, Founder: Jules founded the Gettysburg College chapter of Her Campus in Fall 2015 and served as Campus Correspondent until graduating in Spring 2018. Juliette graduated from Gettysburg College in 2018 with an English major and History/Civil War Era Studies/Public History triple minors. In addition to HC, she was a member of the Spring 2017 class of Advanced Studies in England and of various organizations including Eta Sigma Phi, Dance Ensemble, and Poetry Circle. She has published a poetry chapbook titled Mistakes Were Made, available on Amazon and Goodreads, and she has poems forthcoming in several literary magazines. She is also the editor-in-chief of Nightingale & Sparrow Magazine and runs the lifestyle blog, For the Sake of Good Taste. For more information, visit https://juliettesebock.com.