Sunday used to be my least favorite day of the week. Instead of enjoying one of my two precious days off, all I could think about was what I had coming up for the week and the feeling of being behind. By senior year, I have finally curated my Sunday reset routine!
- Do Laundry
This may be more out of necessity than just wanting to start my week off right, but it’ll make my Monday so much better if my sheets are clean. Plus, my favorite shirt being freshly washed makes for a better Monday!
My weekend is usually the only time I’m able to take a full shower, including some self-care like exfoliating and a hair mask. These extra little steps make me feel better when starting the week.
- skincare
It’s easy (and perfectly fine) during the week to fall into a more simplified skincare routine. But, my skin is much happier after a Sunday of using my serums and putting on a face mask.
- Cleaning my space
I like to start my week with a clean space. I wipe all my surfaces, vacuum, and try to tidy up. Having an organized environment helps my mental space so much.
- empty my inbox
I know I’m not the only one who gets a hundred junk emails during the week from random companies about random sales that I’m not going to buy from. Sunday has become my designated day to delete these from my inbox. Mentally, I feel so much better starting the week with a clean digital slate.
- Looking at my assignments for the week
Ok, I know – this is the hardest part! But I make a point of looking at all of my assignments for the week. This semester, I started using Notion to help me figure out which days I’m going to try to get what done. This last step really eases my anxieties about the week and helps me feel prepared to take on Monday!
Even on my busiest week, I make the time to do these Sunday rituals. I’ve found that it helps ease my anxiety about the coming week, figure out what needs to be done, and, most importantly, actually enjoy my weekend/