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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Stylistically, fall stands out to me as the most distinct season. The colors, the fashion, the beginning of the semester, the fast-approaching holidays, and the music create, by far, the coziest feelings of the year. I’ve had one fall playlist since my freshman year at Gettysburg that I’ve added to each year, and listed below are my all-time favorites from it!

1. Roslyn – Bon iver & St. Vincent

Whether you love or hate The Twilight Saga, I think everyone’s got to admit that the soundtrack is perfectly curated. The somber strumming pattern, the constant falsetto, and the striking slide on the guitar paint a perfect picture of a slow, autumn day. I usually reserve this one for rainy fall days, though, because of just how solemn it is.

2. Simple as this – Jake bugg

This simple song tells a lovely story of the narrator searching to find the answers to the issues of his life, only to find that the answer had been right in front of him the entire time. The song itself is very folksy, and Jake Bugg’s voice is an interesting blend of classic folk with modern indie. It’s one of my favorite songs to drive to, especially as the leaves turn red.

3. It’s been a long, long time – kitty kallen & Harry James

The large band in this song, and Kitty Kallen’s classic voice, give me a nice ‘fall day in New York City’ vibe. Listening to this song as I walk through campus, the leaves on the ground and my bag over my shoulder, makes me feel like I’m walking through When Harry Met Sally or You’ve Got Mail. It’s the perfect song to end a perfect autumn day.

4. All Too Well (10 minute version) (taylor’s version) (from the vault)

How could I not include a song from Red (Taylor’s Version) on this list? The storytelling of “All Too Well” evokes so many striking images of autumnal scenes that it’s impossible to separate the song from the season. Not to mention, the release of this song was in mid-November of 2021, joined by Taylor Swift’s partnership with Starbucks and her release of the accompanying short film. The feeling of that specific autumn can probably never be remade.

5. Vienna – Billy Joel

“Vienna” is especially perfect for the start of the fall semester. I know I’m someone who likes to take on as many classes and obligations as I can before the start of the school year to be sure that I feel productive, but in reality, it of course brings on the burnout much sooner and much more intensely. Listening to this song can be really grounding for me when I put such a great amount of pressure on myself, and it reminds me that I’ve got all the time in the world to reach my goals.

6. Satellite heart – Anya marina

The strings in this song are beautiful and subtle, and they compliment each other really well. Marina’s voice is soft and comforting. Usually, I pick this song to play on my drive home if I’ve had a particularly tough day. It’s certainly somber, but not in the way that makes the listener feel hopeless, or like they’re just choosing to wallow in their sadness. If anything, it’s a calming sort of sadness that perfectly matches the ambience of a chilly, autumn night.

7. Mary on a cross – Ghost

To be perfectly honest, I’d never heard this song before it blew up on Tik Tok (in 2022, I think). The other songs I’ve included in this list are perfect for autumn, but “Mary on a Cross” is perfectly for the days leading up to Halloween. The only word I can use to describe the instrumentals are spooky, but in a way that’s fun, not actually unsettling. If you’re someone that enjoys fall more so for Halloween rather than the soft, chilly season, then you should definitely consider adding this one to your playlist.

8. Landslide – Fleetwood Mac

I’m sure most people reading this have heard “Landslide”, but if you haven’t, then allow me to explain. This song is all about learning to accept change as it meets you, not just once, but all through your life. I’ve found comfort in “Landslide” since my freshman year, when I was facing one of the biggest shifts in my life yet. Now, I’m starting my senior year, and I’m awaiting another massive change after graduation. As the leaves turn red and you’re questioning how the rest of your life is going to look, as all college students do, Stevie Nicks’ timeless voice will give you comfort in knowing that change is a constant in life. It’s the perfect song to end the perfect playlist.

Hayley Cisney

Gettysburg '25

Hayley Cisney is President Elect of Her Campus Gettysburg. In her first two years of membership in the chapter, she worked as a writer, covering topics ranging from pop culture phenomena to date ideas. She also works as a member of her chapter's social media team, specifically as the content creator of the Her Campus Gettysburg Tik Tok account. Hayley is in her Senior year at Gettysburg College with an Interdisciplinary Studies major in Political Thought and American Literature. She works as a Student Outreach Ambassador for Gettysburg's Office of Annual Giving, and has recently acted as a Peer Learning Associate for an upper-level English class. She now has the pleasure of working as a research assistant for a philosophy professor on campus. When she's not working, Hayley enjoys staying home with her family, reading books, and online shopping.