Final’s week is probably the most stressful time for any college student. For most of us, studying is not the most exciting activity. I often find myself distracted by everything! However, there are ways to make sure you get the most out of your study sessions. They have helped me and I hope they can help you too!
1. Pace Yourself
If you often choose to study in the library or almost any other space designed for studying, make sure you are prepared to stay there and remain focused. If you are planning on a long night, wear something comfortable. The worst thing that could happen while studying is you constantly having to adjust your clothes or itch at that tag on your shirt you forgot to cut off. It’s annoying and very distracting.
Another way to make sure you are prepared for studying is to make sure you have snacks. Hunger is the biggest form of distraction and most of the time, it is a hassle to have to leave your study space to go buy food. While grabbing a coffee from Starbucks is a great time for a study break, having snacks nearby will keep you focused and healthy!
2. Don’t “Pull and All-Nighter”
Although staying up all night to study for your test tomorrow MAY seem like a great idea at the time, it is actually the biggest way you can hinder your thinking! Yes, you may get extra time to study, but sleep is far more important during finals week. A lack of sleep often causes drowsiness, a major headache, and forgetfulness! So everything you worked so hard to memorize the night before might end up being thrown out the window.
3. Take time to De-Stress
I know, I know, finals week is so busy, you would rather use your time to study rather than relax. However, taking moments for study breaks is important towards a successful study session. Studies have shown that cramming is never the best idea when it comes to studying, however, studying the material over time has proven to be more affective.
During study breaks, do something that relaxes your body and calms your mind. You can find an article on how to de-stress HERE!
Finals are tough, but you can do it! Do what works for you when studying and make sure to take care of yourself in the process. You are doing great and Ryan Gosling thinks so too.