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Reactions to Roses Night One

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Hello Bachelor Nation!  I am so excited for Season 20 (holy cow! There have been so many memorable characters over the last 20 seasons!) and Ben Higgins as THE BACHELOR.  I think I speak for everyone when I say he is possibly the hottest Bachelor we have ever had.  I’ve been watching The Bachelor since Ali was the Bachelorette, and  remember my mom having Bachelor-watching parties when I was a little girl.  With that said, I am so excited to be writing down my weekly thoughts on the Bachelor for Her Campus. 


I thought I would start off with my thoughts after the first night, when all of the beautiful women stepped out of the limos.  I know we are now four weeks into the season, but I wanted to take the time to talk about my initial thoughts. Next week, I’ll talk about my thoughts from the last three weeks and the crazy eliminations so stay tuned for that!



First off: Ben is great.  I am lucky enough to actually live in Denver (where Ben lives) and I know quite a few people who know him.  I have heard he is as great as he is on TV, which always makes me feel good, especially after the whole Juan Pablo scenario.  I like my Bachelors to be good guys who are actually looking for love.  Call me a romantic, but I love to see couples work out in the end. I am anxious to see all that Ben has in store for us this season, and I know he’s going to pick a great girl.  Although I’m sure there will be lots of drama before we get to the final rose.

Now on to the girls:  What a crazy night that first one was!  We had everything from a mini horse, a literal first impression rose headband, a chicken enthusiast, and a unicorn mask to a girl’s butt almost being seen while throwing a football, twins, a girl jumping into Ben’s arms, and Lace: the girl who tricked Ben into kissing her. We also had two Bachelor alums return- Becca and Amber- which I am super stoked about.  I love Becca and I want her to find love so badly, especially after everything that went down withher and Chris last season.  I would love to see both Ben and Becca find love this season.  Also, don’t forget to take the poll below on who you thought should have received the first impression rose!  Was Ben right in picking Olivia?  Or did someone else deserve it more?

Anyway, there were 28 girls who got out of those limos, said really bad pickup lines, and began the “most dramatic season ever” (Gotta love/ hate Chris Harrison). I always have high hopes for these girls, and I am sure I will be disappointed by the amount of drama that ends up being viewed by 38 million people.  But I’m excited to see all  the crazy dates, ridiculous comments, and supposed fights that will inevitably be on display. 


I don’t like to make predictions about who Ben will choose (all you have to do is read Reality Steve to know), but I will say that many of these girls already seem crazy! From the promo, which showed all the craziness that’s going to happen this season, I am looking forward to when somebody punches another girl and gives her a black eye (Lace turns violent?). I also can’t wait to  find out who the new Nick/Tierra/Courtney/most-hated-girl-in-the-mansion is.  I’ve got my bets on Lace or Olivia, but that’s just a guess. 


I’m sure this season is going to be even better than I’m imagining now, and I hope you all are just as excited as I am to be watching the 20th season of the greatest, most dramatic show to ever be on television. 


Thanks for reading and I’ll see you again next week, after the final rose. 


Who should have received the first impression rose? Choose one:


●      Olivia: Ben was right in choosing her, she’s so great!

●      JoJo: anyone who wears a unicorn head deserves that rose.

●      Becca: the look on Ben’s face when he saw her says it all.

●      Mandi: because she looked at his teeth and it was only a little bit creepy.

●      No one: I was too uncomfortable just watching.


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Macy Conant

Gonzaga '18

Student and Correspondent at Gonzaga University from Denver, Colorado. Major: Communications. Loves writing blogs posts, reading, spending time in little coffee shops, mentoring high school girls and wearing bright red lipstick. 
Natalie is a co-campus correspondent at Gonzaga University. She is currently a sophomore studying public relations with a minor in writing. Her ultimate life goal is to write and publish a best seller. Aside from the runnings of Her Campus Gonzaga, Natalie enjoys reading, shopping, Netflix, volunteering, and hanging out with her friends.