Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it is definitely one of my favorite holidays. Granted, it doesn’t have quite the nostalgic beauty of Christmas, the excitement of a birthday, or the flair of Halloween, but it’s wonderful in its own way. It is a holiday devoted not to recieving gifts or partying, but rather, it exists as a day of peace and thankfulness. It provides an excuse for families to come together, to eat massive amounts of food, and to reflect on the things closest to our hearts.
As a freshman at GU, this year I have something new to be thankful for: the ability to be a part of a wonderful campus community and attend a school different from all others. That said, here are eight things that I am most thankful for here at Gonzaga.
1) Spike’s at the COG, especially on those days when I just really need a burger.
2) My roommate. She isn’t crazy, and I really appreciate that.
3) That brief two-week period when the trees on campus all start to change color and every time you walk outside you’re stunned by the beauty of it all.
4) How inclusive the student body is, whether they are regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation.
5) The Kennel Club at Basketball Games, especially when they lead Zombie Nation and everyone dances along and you feel like you’re a part of something huge and exciting.
6) Aluminum Jesus. He’s kind of a weird statue and nobody really understands why he’s there, but we appreciate him just the same.
7) The Center for Cura Personalis, always working hard to help students become their best selves.
8) The emphasis on social justice and serving others. It makes GU different from other schools, some of whom focus mostly on personal wealth and success.