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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Griffith Gold Coast chapter.


Freeze on a skewer for a summer snack! Frozen grapes are a great sweet and a healthy alternative to candy or cookies. If you want to make this snack a little sweeter, wet the grapes and roll them in sugar or your favorite Jell-O flavor before freezing!


Yep, you guessed it: frozen yogurt. Even though it’s not the FroYo you’re used to, it’s the perfect snack if you’re craving something sweet but don’t want to add many more calories to your day. Make this into a “FroYo Popsicle” by putting your favorite yogurt and fruit into a Popsicle mold and freezing it for about four hours!


Peel, slice and freeze. If you’re feeling edgy, add some peanut butter in between slices. We all know that peanut butter tastes good on anything — and I mean ANYTHING — but this sweet and salty mixture will make you question why you’ve never tried it before.


When there’s coffee left in the pot, this is an easy way to put it to good use. Freeze black coffee in ice cube trays, and you’ll never drink a watered down iced coffee again! When making your perfect iced coffee (I like mine with skim and Splenda), add vanilla almond milk as a healthy and more flavorful substitute. Or if you want to really start your morning off with a kick, add some Baileys and vanilla vodka.  

Avocado slices

Cut and slice before freezing. Add some chili powder and a dash of salt before eating to give it that extra oomph. Your taste buds won’t know what hit ‘em.

Tim Tams

Perfect for the “Tim Tam Slam.” I think we can all agree that Tim Tams are ridiculously good no matter how you eat them, but try them frozen and you won’t want to eat them any other way again. Never had a Tim Tam? I envy you. Once you have one, there’s no going back. These little biscuits are addictive.

3 Musketeers

What’s the saying that goes something like, “If you eat it frozen, the calories disappear?” Oh, right: it’s the saying I made up and repeat in my head to make myself feel better about the chocolate I’m shoving down my dieting throat. Seriously, chocolate and I never should’ve become BFFs. There’s just something about a frozen 3 Musketeer that I can’t stop loving. But really, there’s 45 percent less fat in this candy bar, so I guess it’s okay 

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Taylor Miller

Griffith Gold Coast