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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Going away to college can be a life changing experience. I remember last year when I was so ready to leave my hometown and come to Atlanta to embark on new adventures. I was that college student who came to Atlanta from Chicago. I was that college student who wanted to leave home, experience a new city, and meet new people. I was that college student who simply just wanted to get away.


As my first year of college passed by, the adventurous side of me started to escape and my homesickness started to kick in. I’d admit at one point of time last school year I missed being home. I missed Chicago, the cold weather, the fried chicken with mild sauce, even the unique people strutting down Michigan Ave. On top of that, I did not have family here to support me.


In order to try to prevent homesickness, here are some key things that I followed in order to prevent homesickness.


One of the things that I did not do is explore like I wanted to last year. I came to Atlanta for school and to be adventurous. And yet, I was not adventurous. If you like seeing new things, go check a few museums, national parks, or even try a signature food. Ask some of your friends to tag along with you so you don’t have to be alone. Plan a whole day out, walking around, and exploring your city.


Another thing that could help prevent homesickness is finding the right group of friends. I like to make friends that have the same interest that I do. By finding the perfect group of friends, it will always be easy to get out and do something with people that share the same interest.



An article on Bustle.com written by Marlen Komar suggest to “Give yourself a Taste of Home.” This tip suggest that you should remind yourself of home by decorating your new home. Hang up lights, pictures, or souvenirs that’ll remind you of your home. You can always look on Pinterest to look up some fun DIY projects to make your perfect room.


Last thing that you can do to prevent homesickness is do not stay in your dorm room all day. How do you expect to learn new things or meet new people if you are always in your room? People are not going to come to you. Try getting involved on campus. Find organizations that you think that you’d be interested in. This is also a great way to network, and a great way to spend extra time.


I followed most of these tips throughout my second semester and the beginning of this year.  I am more than comfortable with living in Atlanta on my own. All you need to know is that homesickness is normal and it is apart of leaving home. Just try to prevent it the best way you can.  

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Courtney Jackson is a student at Georgia State University, where she is studying journalism with a concentration in public relations and a minor in Spanish. Jackson is currently a staff reporter for HerCampus online magazine, and she was formerly a staff reporter for Georgia State’s newspaper, The Signal. She is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists. Her goal is to find an internship that will allow her to utilize skills that she will need in her print journalism career. When she isn’t busy studying or writing stories, she loves to go to fashion events and watch Scandal.
The GSU chapter of Her Campus