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The Importance of Early Voting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Three debates in, undecided voters should have made up their mind instinctively on who they would want to elect to be our great country’s next President. 

It seems like everyday reveals distasteful information about Donald Trump, decreasing his chances of winning the race. For example, the comments he has evidently made about women, immigrants, and most recently, “locker room talk” with host Billy Bush. In 2005, while on set for “Days of Our Lives”, a video was released of Trump making comments about groping,kissing and trying to have sex with women. “When you’re a star, they let you do it.”

However, many citizens voices are being heard due to early voting. Early voting began on Oct.17, and so far the polls have been crowded. According to Circa, 1.4 million people have voted so far. 

To determine where you are able to vote early or where to vote on Election Day, be sure to go to https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do.

It only takes a second, and remember that every vote counts!







My name is Keyonna Singletary, and I'm a sophomore at Georgia State University with a major of Media Entrepreneurship. My favorite color is green and I am the ULTIMATE gemini! Whenever I'm not at school or working, I spend most of my time at concerts or writing for other sites. My personal blog is eraofkeyonna.com  Peace & Blessings. 
The GSU chapter of Her Campus