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Meet the Greeks: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Organization: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

Chapter: Zeta Phi founded May 30, 1969

Organization founded: January 13, 1913 | Howard University 

Interviewee name: Kelly Perry

Interviewee classification: Senior

Interviewee semester and  year of joining sorority:  Spring 2017



Why did you choose Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated out of all of the Greek sororities here on campus?


KP: I want you to quote me, “Delta Sigma Theta is the only way. ” No, seriously though, Delta has been apart of my life since I was born. My mom’s a Delta, she pledged at UGA. The influence of having [Delta] women in my life from the very beginning and then my mom never pressured me to be a Delta; I just kind of did the research on my own. I feel like what sets my organization apart from all the others is the history of us being the kind of women who stand up for what we believe in, we don’t go with the crowd, we have our own voice and we’re not afraid to promote change.


What makes this sisterhood special for you?


KP: Like I said, it kind of goes all the way back for me, because my mom is a Delta and her line sisters are at every birthday, every graduation celebration, they are everywhere. When I graduated from high school, my mom’s prophytes and all of these people came that I didn’t even know but it’s love because of my mom. It’s an experience, it really it is.


Did you think that you would become a member of this organization?


KP: Well I mean, it was always in my vision, but you know things happen. I know a lot of girls who had the potential that tried and maybe didn’t make it. So it’s all about God’s timing, what is for you will be for you and God will bring it to you.


What is one moment that you wish you could relive with your sorority?


   KP: I wanna say my probate day right now because the semester just started we haven’t had our fall week yet, but our fall week is September 25-29. I’m excited for people to see what we put together because there are some amazing programs. So I will say my probate for now but I’m thinking by December, I’m going have created a lot more memories.

Compared to when you first became a member, how has Delta Sigma Theta impacted your growth in college?


KP: Well I am the president of my chapter and having this leadership role is a humbling experience. You learn a lot about yourself, you learn about working with individuals. I love all of my lines sisters but it’s not like the same thing with friends, normally you pick friends because they have the same thing in common with you, these are girls that come from all different backgrounds, you really learn how to work with other people and love other people.


What type of legacy do you want Delta Sigma Theta to leave on the campus of Georgia State University, especially while you’re here?


KP:  I want people to see us and say, “those are the Deltas and they’re positive, put on great programs, and they have good energy.”  You know a lot of times Greek organizations get a bad rep like oh they’re mean, I want everyone to feel welcome. When people think about my line or Zeta Phi, they think about girls who are positive, who are leaders, and who are doing all that they can to make sure that their programs are poppin’ and that they’re interacting with the community.


What is Delta Sigma Theta looking forward to most this year?


KP:  How can I say this without giving too much tea away? We definitely want to be putting on a lot of shows for you guys. I think that’s another part of Greek life, stepping and strolling. So we definitely want to create some platforms for you guys to see us outside of NPHC organizations or events. We definitely want to have opportunities for students to come out and see us actually step and perform. That’s one the thing that we are excited for this year.




To keep up with the ladies of the Zeta Phi chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. be sure to follow them on Instagram @zetaphi1969_dst!

Pictures courtesy of the Zeta Phi chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Hey Everyone, I'm a Junior at the illustrious Georgia State University with a major in Journalism and a minor in African-American Studies with a concentration in Public Relations and Marketing. I love to read, write and be in the loop ,that's why Her Campus is the place for me. If you want to know what's happening here around campus check out my articles, I won't disappoint.
Cydney Maria (Rhines) is a creative writer, journalist and photographer located in Atlanta, Ga. She is currently a student at Georgia State University studying journalism and english. She coins her brand as something curated beautifully for those who may not feel that beauty. Her main focus is mental health, social issues, digital design and of course the beauty of black girl magic. Her main goal is to constantly write creative content that fills a need. She is currently published accross multiple platforms and looks to continue her current level of work after she graduates from GSU. Check this creative out!
The GSU chapter of Her Campus