At the latest GOP debate in Iowa, Republican candidates were able to further distinguish themselves from each other in continuing efforts to prove that they are the best candidate for the Republican nomination.
With the absence of front-runner Donald Trump, this debate was supposed to get to the meat of the election- the issues- with perhaps less of the dramatics. Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly turned her keen questions to the top five candidates, challenging them on previous statements on key policies relevant to the presidential race.
Immigration is a hot topic due to the many people of all ages fleeing from dangerous conditions of war in their countries. Questions on the subject poised to Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio caused them to fiercely defend themselves and in the process attack each other.
The first clips showed Rubio saying that he would not support amnesty or a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Kelly found his actions to be completely contradictory. “Within two years of getting elected you were co-sponsoring legislation to create a path to citizenship, in your words, amnesty. Haven’t you already proven that you cannot be trusted on this issue?” she asked.
Rubio’s response was that he didn’t support blanket amnesty and that at that time, the issue was being passed through the Senate with too few obstacles. He also added that as president, he would want to secure our borders and keep illegals out to keep America safe from ISIS.
Kelly then turned her attention to Cruz. She questioned how Cruz could try to pass an amendment to the same bill that wouldn’t allow legalization, but still permit citizenship. Cruz’s response was that he didn’t want legislation or citizenship to pass, but that he did want immigration reform.
While this exchange shows Cruz and Rubio want people to come to America legally and, by extension, keep America safe from the threat of radical members of ISIS entering, it also showed a little something about their character.
Rubio and former Governor Jeb Bush exchanged heated remarks that they both changed positions on immigration. Sen. Rand Paul said Cruz is the one that is always saying everyone else is for amnesty, when he is not. “But’s it’s a falseness, and that’s an authenticity problem,” Paul said.
What will only matter is how the American citizens perceived the statements and videos, particularly the Republican voters. It could be less a matter of what they previously said and did, and more how they responded to the questions and what they promise to do as president.