There is no secret that university is expensive. With tuition and food costs continuing to increase, learning about opportunities where you can save money is important. There comes a time when we look at our bank accounts and see a lot less than what we were expecting. Using these tips and tricks you can potentially save hundreds of dollars. The University of Guelph offers a wide varied of scholarships that many students often overlook. More information on scholarships can be found here:
Now let’s get onto some other ways to save money at UofG!
1. Textbooks
For almost every class you enroll in you will need at least one textbook. The majority of teachers will tell you that you can only purchase their textbook from the bookstore, but in reality there are many other places to buy them. Before purchasing these textbooks, make sure they are the correct ones for your class and that you’re not going to drop the class.
Here are some links to the most popular places to go for textbooks. Don’t be afraid to shop around for textbooks to find the one with the cheapest price and best quality. Sometimes bargaining with other students on the price of the textbooks can be fun!
•purchase used textbooks from others students on Facebook/online
When purchasing a textbook you will usually have the option of hardcover or loose-leaf. Loose-leaf is usually around $40 cheaper than the hardcover textbooks. Find what best fits your style and try to save money along the way. Used textbooks will always be cheaper than brand new ones.
Remember at the end of the year to keep your textbooks and not just throw them out. You have a couple of options with them.
- Resell your textbooks to the co-op book store when there is a buy back period
- Try selling them through social media sites and or on the cannon online
- Keep them for future reference if you really enjoyed the textbook
While selling old textbooks, try selling your notes and old midterms along with them to make an extra few dollars.
2. Transportation
Getting from one place to another when you’re a university student can get frustrating and very expensive if you are not careful. Try using some of these tips to keep your expenses low.
- Universal Bus Pass: Don’t forget to pick up your bus pass at the start of each semester. This is important because you have already paid for it in your tuition. Why spend money on taxi rides when your universal bus pass has unlimited access to the Guelph Public Transit System. You can also get cheaper transportation from GO- Transit and Greyhounds, where tickets are sold on campus. Unfortunately, if you are a student with a car you are unable to opt out of paying for the universal bus pass since they are trying to keep costs low for all students. If you do drive, try carpooling with fellow students so everyone can chip in for gas and be able to have singing competitions.
- Bike: When the weather gets nice don’t be afraid to pull out that good ol’ bike of yours. The University of Guelph has recently built a sustainable green bike shelter in addition to already having several spots for you to lock up your bike safely. Want to know more about the green bike shelter? Visit
- Don’t be afraid to walk! Exercise is good for you.
3. Reusable water bottle
Throughout the campus of Guelph there are water stations to fill up bottles with clean fresh water. Don’t waste your money on buying drinks, when water is free, healthier alternative. This will help you cut the expenses associated with purchasing drinks on campus.
To learn more about how our campus is being green visit:
4. Meal Plan Card
Whether you are an off campus student or living in residence, getting a meal plan card can be beneficial if you find yourself eating on campus freqeuently. The money goes straight onto your student ID card. This removes the inconvenience of having to have cash on you, not to mention that it actually saves you money in a variety.
When you use a meal plan card it will give you a 10% discount on food and a 8% discount on the sales tax on the price of it.Although the best option to save money would be make food at home and bring it to school, if you have to eat on campus at least this is the most cost-effective method.
To learn more about meal plans at the university of Guelph go here:
5. Dental Plan
If your parents already have dental coverage for you, opt out of the dental plan that’s already included into your tuition so you can get your money back. After you opt out one semester you will not have to go through the process in future semesters, as it keeps a record of it and will automatically reimburse you.
For more information visit:
6. Part-Time Job
When all else fails, getting a part time job has its benefits. It will help you organize your studies more and start bringing some cash in. It will also build up your resume, which will be useful post-graduation.
For more information go to: or
These are only a few of the many ways you can save money while being a student at the University of Guelph. Don’t limit yourself to only using these six tips for saving money. Figure out what works for you best and try to continue to save more and more money when possible … since someone’s got to pay for next semester.