Every year, we vow to change something in our lives at the beginning of the year. I try to make an easy resolution that I can stick to, but by the end of January, I’m usually so caught up in schoolwork that I forget entirely. This year, I’ve decided to sit down with the members of Her Campus Guelph to get an idea of what they want to accomplish in 2019.
“To graduate.” -Carly H.
“To go to bed at a decent hour.” -Bronagh R.
“To get my sh*t together.” -Riley V.
“Stop putting others before myself and for once, focus on me.” -Olivia G.
“Wasting less time to focus on school and my extracurriculars!” -Emilie K.
“To graduate.” -Brittany D.
Best of luck to everyone in completing their resolutions and have a Happy New Year!