A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Perhaps they’re also worth two thousand feelings.
Sitting next to the fireplace, drinking tea with the one you love, your dog is asleep at your feet, fuzzy socks, you spent the day exploring, a light snow begins to fall, you have the next day off of work so you can go to bed knowing you can sleep in.
Sunset walks, first warm rays of sun on a summer day, birds chirp all around, you spot a deer running by in the distance, a soft Tuesday evening, you have memories of making wishes on dandelions as a kid, you stroll back home and put on a sweatshirt as the air chills with the evening.
Spending the majority of the day hiking, stopped for a picnic lunch on the way, your feet are sore, there were wild blackberries speckled across a bush, worn in flannels, the view from the top.
People watching, the smell of fresh coffee, old sweaters, having good conversation with dear friends, five cups of the house blend, a local artist’s paintings hang on the wall, soft acoustic covers play over the speaker.
Hushed words, grainy pictures with no flash, passing groups of kids on field trips, drinking hot coffee that cost the better part of $5, absence of time, the smell of dust and lavender, empty rooms, nostalgia.
Chilly rain on a spring day, a new book, warm baths, freshly shaved legs on clean bed sheets, you have no commitments for the day, thunder rumbles in the distance, lighting flashes follow, peanut butter toast, a light nap as rain patters against the windows.