“What would you do today if you knew you could not fail?”
During touring break, I was given the opportunity to travel down to Indianapolis for Inter Greek Senate. Excluding the gruesome 10-hour bus rides, the trip was extremely educational and successful. While looking over the weekend schedule, a free workout was mentioned. Free is a college student’s favorite word, so I was down.
It was held by a company called The Strong Movement. What caught my attention was an opening statement saying, “Steps to a strong body, strong mind, & more confident you”. I was sold and by the time I read a few things, it was time to pile into the workout room! The workout consisted of major ab and booty work super sets and it was the most enjoyable workout I have participated with a large group of people. There were also men there too and they loved it! There were many different levels of athleticism and no one felt discouraged; it was a very safe space because we were all laughing and everyone was working hard.
After the workout, I approached the woman in charge, who was extremely passionate about the workout, was beautiful, funny, and motivating. She turned out to be the founder of The Strong Movement, Ailis Garcia. She informed me of an educational session and workshop she was holding later in the weekend.
At the workshop Ailis spoke about the importance of focusing on inner transformation first when trying to get fit, rather than the physical transformation. She told us to imagine as if life is rigged in your favor. According to Ailis, the first step to feeling more rejuvenated is weeding out toxic people, toxic environments, and clutter. You have to start small— stop listening to bad and useless news and change negative language. In doing this, you will develop a path towards a more positive attitude.
Another simple daily routine to fall into is a happiness booster. It is similar to journaling, but shorter. Your happiness booster consists of making a list of three good things that happened to you that day and keeping the list going! Also, you are encouraged to write letters to friends or family, which is a good practice for gratitude and appreciation. It will increase positivity, emotion, and optimism.
There is also an 8-Week Guide for The Strong Movement that Ailis has created to further your Strong Movement experience, check it out for yourself and see what positive changes you can make in your life!