1) After classes end and you grab dinner at Whole Foods, you text all your friends to see who wants to study together later.
2) After the initial confusion of who is going, those going decide to study in Gelman.
3) After packing up your things and walking halfway there, you realize you have forgotten either your GWorld, your laptop charger, your headphones, or a combination of all three.
4) Once you have trekked back to the dorm and back to Gelman, you have to search your bag for your GWorld which has inevitably gotten stuck under all of your textbooks.
5) United as a group, you begin frantically searching for any open seating large enough to possibly fit all of you.
6) Panic sets in as you realize there are none, not even on the 1st floor, and you realize you might have to go somewhere else.
7) You begrudgingly decide on Marvin as the safest bet because you know SEH is packed and head over.
8) To your amazement – and horror – J-Street is as full as it has ever been.
9) Luckily, you are able to find a table and get set up to study.
10) As the hours tick by, you and your friends are talking, laughing, and maybe even studying.
11) You look up and it’s 2 am and your friends are packing up; you realize you were the only one laughing and you have nothing done!
12) You quickly begin scanning every page of your text book and notes as you chug gallons of energy drinks trying to study and write your numerous papers.
13) You finally emerge from your caffeine fueled studying haze at 6 am and realize if you leave now you can get almost 3 hours before your 9:35.
14) You get back to your room, collapse on your bed, and vow that last night was your last all-nighter of the semester and pass out.
15) After a long day of classes, you get a text asking if you want to study; you remember last night and think “ah, screw it” and you do it all again.
Good Luck on Finals, Everyone!