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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

If you have ever wondered what it was like to talk to a psychic, you are not alone. Ever since I was little, I felt pulled to investigate psychically minded people. My mother had a long experience with intuitives, which is another term for psychics, or people with the ability to provide wisdom to others on their own experiences and feelings.

My parents intended me to have a connection with psychics after choosing to name me after one. I always felt drawn to interact with spiritual guides because of my tie in name. My 18th birthday present was a 30-minute phone conversation with her, Sonia Choquette, where she touched on many parts of my life. Prior to that session, I had multiple meetings with medical intuitives, spiritual guides, and even psychics that can tell you about your past lives. In my life, I’ve probably met with over 7 different intuitives who have a vast array of gifts and abilities. After every session I went to, I would attempt to share my experience with friends and classmates. However, many myths and misconceptions clouded their thoughts on what a psychic really was.


Most people are uneasy at first about delving into spirituality and allowing themselves to explore an ideal much more intuitive than realistic. After meeting with multiple psychics throughout my life, I have learned there are many misconceptions about these wise souls that sell hour-long sessions for sometimes as much as a designer handbag.


1. They don’t tell you what your future is.

Well, they really shouldn’t. The best and most legit psychics actually explain things about yourself, and provide you further insight into your own life. They would never tell you what is sure to happen, or that a serious event will occur in yours or a loved one’s life. Psychics are like reminders, they reinforce things that already exist within you and teach you about hardships and challenges you experience.


2. They vary in legitimacy so make sure you do your research.

The ones I have met with have been working on their techniques for years, and trained with wise teachers and guides. They have years and years of experience. Reputation is a really big deal in the field, and you need to ensure you find someone worth your time and money. The best way to find someone legitimate is through friends and family, or check out this article from Elite Daily.


3. They don’t use a crystal ball.

It’s similar to a therapy session in which you meet with them one-on-one, and it’s usually in a very normal setting such a house or office building There is no crazy clothing or abundance of crystals, and they don’t work out of carnival booths. They are very approachable, and dedicate their life to helping others by using their personal talents and gifts.


4. They won’t give you a scary proclamation, or tell you anything you can’t handle.

All the psychics I have interacted with have always worked in the best interest of a client. They want to direct you into a positive light, and will tell you when you are going down a wrong path. However, they will never tell you a death will occur, or anything along those lines. Intuitives want you to get a positive take away from the session, and will ensure every piece of information is something you can hold the weight of.

5. They are not all the same.

Every single intuitive I have gone to has a very different process. One is focused on medicine, and can see inside your body to give you input on what it is best for it. One woman is all about using you past lives for wisdom in your current life, and can tell you about lives you lived. Another woman is focused on rerouting trauma, and uses guided meditation to change circumstances in your life. They vary in practice, and they also vary in how they go about the session.


The best way to understand a psychic is to experience a session with one. Seek out legitimate psychics, and read books that inspire intuition. It’s important to understand that each one of us can tap into a spiritual side that can influence our own lives in ways you would never imagine. It can sound crazy at first, but you have to work past stereotypes in order to receive something truly wonderful.


Originally from the suburbs of Chicago, Sonia Holstein is a Sophomore studying Journalism and Mass Communications with a minor in Sustainability. An aspiring chef, she's on a quest to live life to the fullest with confidence and passion.
Isabella grew up in Boston and is currently a student at The George Washington University studying International Business and Chinese. Her dream job is working as a journalist in New York, and she hopes to travel all over the world and study abroad in Shanghai. You can find her taking walks with her three Labradoodles or doing yoga with friends.