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Daniela Manzi ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

This campus celeb may have just turned 20, but she’s already accomplished a lot on campus. Most notably, her petition against the housing changes helped set in motion the administration’s reconsideration of converting Carnegie to a freshman dorm. She is a member of the extremely successful Mock Trial team, our Student Assembly Parliamentarian, and a sister of Gamma Xi. You may have seen her running around campus in her infamous yellow Ray-Bans, but hurry up if you want to meet her- she’ll be in Italy next fall and D.C. in the spring!

Name: Daniela Manzi
Class Year: 2015
Major: Government
Relationship Status: Single
What activities are you involved with on campus? 
I’m the Student Assembly Parliamentarian, I write for Her Campus, I’m an organizer for NEDAW, and I’m on the Mock Trial team.
What made you want to take action about the housing changes? 
The administrators claimed they wanted student input on housing plans, however, they did nothing to reach out to students.   As a Student Assembly member, I felt it was important to voice the students’ concerns.
How has the administration responded to the petition? 
I think the petition made them see how many students were unhappy about the housing plans and how disappointed students were about the administration’s dismissal of student opinion.  The administrators definitely don’t want any more petitions though, so hopefully their approach to changes in the future will be different.
What has been your favorite aspect of Mock Trial? 
Definitely the friends I’ve made on the team–we’ve become a family.  Of course I also love looking spiffy in a suit at tournaments.
What’s on your Hamilton bucket list?
 I’m currently trying to complete the bucket list that was featured in the Continental.  As someone who’s addicted to Opus, it would also be cool to create something for the menu.
Do you have any fun summer plans?
 I’ll be interning at my county’s Prosecutor’s Office, which I’m really excited about.
What advice would you give to the incoming freshman class?
 I’d say to get involved in a lot of activities right away.  It’s a great way to meet people with similar interests and to make changes you care about on campus.
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.