Have you already substituted ramen for a real dinner? Are you finding it difficult to avoid subsisting entirely on Commons pizza and mozzarella sticks? While college offers many people their first glorious taste of independence, this can sometimes have drawbacks – namely the fact that not everyone knows how to live a healthy lifestyle. If you have never had to cook or plan your meals before, you may be finding it difficult to make healthy choices on campus. But we here at Her Campus have some helpful tips.
           Firstly, recognize that you don’t need to subsist on salad if you wanna stay healthy. You should eat from the whole food pyramid, not just one block. If you want veggies but not salad, go to the hot food bar in either Commons or McEwen. There is always an option, most often green beans or broccoli. These are very filling and they provide a lot of key nutrients. Furthermore, make sure you get some protein. If you don’t like anything offered at the main counter, the chicken from the grill is a consistently good option. If you leave a meal hungry, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Hunger just leads to snacking. While it`s important not to overeat at meals, it’s never smart to starve yourself in the name of health.
           Furthermore, be careful about the foods you stock in your room. No one is perfect, and you’d be hard pressed to find a dorm room on campus that didn’t have a single package of ramen or mac and cheese. But don’t keep enough in your room so that you can regularly substitute it for balanced meals. If you have a mini-fridge, it’s easy and cheap to store things like apples and baby carrots to snack on. If you don’t, nuts and granola are an excellent option. Canned soup is also useful to have on hand. Not only is it a full meal, but it is also outstanding to have stocked when you get sick for the first time away from home. Â
           A healthy diet however, is not enough on its own. Staying active is also vital. Set an exercise schedule that works and stick to it. Find friends who want to work out as well. This fosters accountability and just makes the whole experience a lot more fun. Perhaps you have a routine from home that you can continue. If not, then start as slow as you need to. But consistent effort is necessary to maintain health. Hamilton has excellent gym facilities, and the school also offers a wide array of physical education classes. You have so many choices to pick between, from archery to yoga. Find one that suits you!
      In addition to requiring that Hamilton students take PE courses, the school also offers resources for students to learn about meal planning, weight, fitness, eating disorders, and medical dietary concerns. You can call the counseling center (315-859-4340) if you want make an appointment with Hamilton’s registered dietitian to go over any concerns.
            Lastly, remind yourself that if you have already gained a few pounds, that’s ok. College is a time of dramatic changes. Don’t beat yourself up, or become too focused on trying to be any exact weight. Just try to set up good eating habits and work to maintain whatever level of physical fitness that you deem appropriate.