1. Realize Beforehand that Your Independence May Take a Hit
It’s an odd transition entering college. We go from having to ask permission to go to the bathroom in high school, to possessing total autonomy. We decide when we sleep, when we study, when we socialize, etc. We are free to skip class, drink on weekdays, and blow off our homework. While we must deal with the consequences of our actions, we still have far more freedom than we did in high school. Going home can be a shock. Parents will usually ask where you are going every time you leave. They may text you if you are late coming home. While annoying, sometimes it’s best to just recognize that this is a temporary inconvenience. Suck it up, and remember that at the end of the break, we all get to come back to college.
2. Accept That the Hamilton Bubble is Nothing Like the Real World
Hamilton is a bubble. And honesty, the bubble is an amazing vacation from the outside world. But it is a bit strange to leave the bubble. This is another thing you are just going to have to accept and prepare yourself for. Before heading home, just remind yourself that Hamilton is a unique culture and that you can’t expect other places to be as open and liberal as our awesome campus.
3. Avoid Controversial Buzzwords
If you really feel the need to talk politics with your more conservative relatives, avoid using buzzwords you know will entrench them in their opinions. If you want to discuss healthcare, avoid saying “Obamacare.” Instead, explain Obamacare without saying the phrase. This will lead to people being far more open to civil discussion. Similarly, don’t politicize things. Don’t say “Trump’s refugee ban is terrible.” Just discuss the refugee crisis and you will find it is not difficult to get people to agree that the US should do more. Afterwards you can mention Trump is making it difficult for refugees to come to the US, but if you make people defensive from the onset, you will just end up in a fruitless argument. If you actually want to change people’s opinions, be respectful, calm, and smart about your tactics.